deCONZ - IKEA five button remote for lights with color temp

thanks for the quick answer! that was easy, lol.

but not to the prev brightness, ie if turning lights off at fuill blast it will only turn them on at very low brightness

is that by design of the blueprint and what could be done to change it so it turns on at same brightness as it was turned off?

For now, it seems to be ‘by design’, as no state is kept or reused of the latest color temperature of a light when switched off and on respectively.

Its not so much the color temp but brightness

But at least i know its not me doi g mistakes

Hi. Thanks for this blueprint.
What could be done to change it so that the Dim Down button will not turn off (Brightness 0%) the light but just stop at Brightness 1%?

First of all thanks mrbc for this blueprint. Saved me a ton of time.

And brightness state can be kept on toggle if transition line is removed. That option creates nice transition, but I prefer practicality over looks.

To keep state, delete below lines:

   transition: 1

from /config/blueprints/automation/mrbc/deconz-ikea-five-button-remote-for-lights-with-color-temp.yaml

- variables:
    event: '{{ }}'
- choose:
  - conditions:
    - '{{ event == 1002 }}'
    - service: light.toggle
      entity_id: !input 'light'
      data:                       #  <-- These     ###
        transition: 1             #  <-- two lines ###
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I changed these conditions:

  - conditions:
    - '{{ event == 3002 }}'
    - service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: !input 'light'
        brightness_step_pct: '{% set bri = states.light.dimmable_light_2.attributes.brightness | int %}
          {% set bripct = 100*bri/254 | int %}
          {% if bripct <= brightness_step -%}
          {%- else -%}
            {{ -brightness_step }}
          {%- endif %}'
        transition: 1
  - conditions:
    - '{{ event == 3001 }}'
    - repeat:
        count: '{{ brightness_step_count }}'
        - service: light.turn_on
          entity_id: !input 'light'
            brightness_step_pct: '{% set bri = states.light.dimmable_light_2.attributes.brightness | int %}
          {% set bripct = 100*bri/254 | int %}
          {% if bripct <= brightness_step -%}
          {%- else -%}
            {{ -brightness_step }}
          {%- endif %}'
            transition: 1
        - delay: 1

in /config/blueprints/automation/mrbc/deconz-ikea-five-button-remote-for-lights-with-color-temp.yaml

if anyone is interested the above 2 changes

  • on/off at the same brightness

  • only goes to 1% and not off

its here:

would it make sense to do the same with color temp up and down? ie it stop at cold and not just loops over to warm?

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Hey, great thanks for all the feedback and patience!

I updated the blueprint with the following:

  • Light stays on at lowest brightness (1 of 255, not just 1%) when pressing the down button. Thanks to @boelle for raising that issue.

  • Introduced the force brightness option (default off) from the original blueprint which works as shown:

force brightness on off
transitions on
yes no
brightness when
turning on?
the one you set in the
blueprint configuration
last brightness from
when turned off

This is the first (although minor) breaking change for current users: If you wish to keep the old behavior (light turns on with transition to lowest brightness), you need to configure the new force brightness option for that. Thanks, @MindGas for figuring out how to keep last brightness.

Edit: I just noticed, my IKEA bulbs @ ConbeeII transition always, regardless of it being specified in the light.toggle service(?).

i forgot to report back that my gist with blueprint has an flaw

one of the color temp buttons do not work, cant remember which one

but would like to know so i can learn from my mistakes

I see transitions used in this blueprint. can I play around with increasing the transition time of the middle button only to fade on and fade off the lights? what line or lines in the code would do that?

Hello Patrickr, what have you do to correct the problem?

I test this blueprint but i cant change the color

This is my light in “Developer Tools, States,…”

@mrbc disregard my comments about my blueprint not working in regards to color temp. I just tested it again and it works fine, so not sure what that was about. it has failed last time i used it

@boelle No worries, I wrote that functionality from scratch and ensured all buttons work as they should before releasing it.

@Ventilo just tested it again with my only rgb bulb and everything works so far.

Can you check, whether your bulb supprts the color_temp argument of the light.turn_on service?

Hi mrbc, i check and i have the color_temp argument.

Throw de Home Assitant in Overview i can change the color, but with the 5 buton ikea, i can’t.

In Node Red when a push the button I have this left 4002 and right 5002, i never found 4001/5001

this blueprint stopped working with a recent home assistant update. everything but color temp still works. when i do developer tools call service I can’t change color there either with either kelvin or mireds, so I guess it’s not the blueprint that stopped working.

That’s strange, it still works for me as intended with 2021.6.2 and Tradfri bulbs. I suspect your light integration not accepting these service calls anymore as you already guessed. If it’s a official integration, maybe check the currently open issues at for something related.

I should have mentioned the features of my bulbs. this is still not working anymore after the 2021.5 update to HA. here are my bulb features. Pretty sure my bulbs are rgb or rgbw only?

  - hs
  - rgbw
color_mode: rgbw
brightness: 204
  - 60
  - 100
  - 255
  - 255
  - 0
  - 255
  - 255
  - 0
  - 117
  - 0.444
  - 0.517
white_value: 117
friendly_name: Dining Room 1
supported_features: 185

HA update 2021.7 fixed my issue. I asked back in April, but let me rephrase the question. Why do I need to force brightness to be able to use the on off transition? Couldn’t it be a separate setting? I personally like a transition of 3 on the toggle on and off, and no transition for adjusting brightness and color temperature, but don’t really like the forced brightness to be on.

Again, I am so grateful for this super important blueprint! It is awesome!


i use thie blueprint… and my light don´t turn off…is this a issue?