deConz - IKEA Tradfri on/off switch roller blind control

I made some esphome based roller blinds and wanted to use the ikea on/off switch to control them.
Main reason is that i can get them cheap and i can convert them so they look light a light switch (ie same design LK Fuga - used 99% in denmark)

You can use following events:

  • On short press - Will close the blind if open and vice versa
  • Off short press - Will stop the blind where it is
  • On long press release - Will open the blind
  • Off long press release - Will close the blind

Have fun. Limited support as i barely know what i was doing

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Just to be sure: That is not a blueprint for the IKEA roller blind control switch, right?

I can’t test the blueprint because I can’t import it in Home Assistant. I get the following error: No valid blueprint found in the topic. Blueprint syntax blocks need to be marked as YAML or no syntax.

So nope, its for homemade rollers based on esphome

Use the link

The switch doesn’t care how your blind works, it accepts any cover as input, not only your ESP solution. And deCONZ also shows the switch I mentioned as “ikea on/off switch”, so I think your title is confusing. Maybe a picture of the switch would be helpful!

seems pretty clear to me

Everyone knows what the on/off switch is

Thank you for your very rudely worded answers! :+1:

@boelle @pattyland both of you are not being nice. Please respect each other.

@pattyland this blueprint is specific to the device listed above. It does not work with normal switches. If you look in the blueprint, you’ll notice that it relies on events from ESPHome, which only come from esphome.

@petro Are you sure? I don’t see any event from ESPHome. The Blueprint only waits for events from deCONZ, doesn’t it? The Blueprint controls an entity of type cover, regardless of whether it is an ESP DIY or an IKEA cover, etc.