Deconz is not connecting properly to - Lights visible but "Unavailable"

You can call the device refresh service if your lights are missing after a restart


Thank you that does work! However it feels a bit clumsy, why do I have to do this manually? Is there any change that happened? I didn’t have to do this ever before…

This is an old issue in deconz where the lights take much longer to load so the integration gets an empty list of lights when hass starts. Im thinking about how I could handle it in the integration but it is no real priority to fix


Honestly… it should be a priority. It cost me endless hours to find this out. And yet I have to find a solution…


bump… please?

Same issues, some news?

I have a similar issues have recent HA updates. Device refresh service does nothing. Been struggling since yesterday, no luck. All my Conbee II devices show unavailable, but HA is seeing devices if added or removed.

Logger: pydeconz.websocket
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pydeconz/
First occurred: 4:10:39 PM (61 occurrences)
Last logged: 4:25:39 PM

Unexpected error [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer