Deconz issue lights with motion detector

how can I discribe my issue. I use Zigbee lights via Deconz (Conbee) gateway. Some of the lights will switched on by a motion detector. In general it works fine. But if somebody stays in the room and the lights switch of after a couple of minutes the motion detector dosen´t recognize a new motion to switch on again or leave lights on. This is really annoying because you need to switch on by app in these kind of situations.

Is where any solution to fix the issue? For exampe to reset the off counter after new motion?

I experienced this with hue motion sensors as well (connected to a hue bridge), but not with the Lidl ones connected to deconz. Maybe this is how the hardware works?
Perhapes you could trace the cleared state to verify this?

I simply on the lights when motion is detected, and switch off the lights when no motion any more detected.

That could be indeed the solution :upside_down_face: I will have a try later. Sometimes you just thinking to complicated :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thanks for hint