edit: deconz_alarm_event is never fired. I subscribed to it and no action in deconz alarmsystems is reflected in here (arming, armed, triggered, disarmed, wrong code, etc.)
I haven’t updated the deconz_alarm_event description, it is only used for four custom events right now (EMERGENCY, FIRE, INVALID_CODE, PANIC). All normal state changes can be viewed from the keypad entity.
I was looking for log prints from deconz.gateway starting with "Sending ". Which there where none.
As I stated earlier the last logs you shared are unfortunately useless to me since they don’t show the deConz integration debug logs due to some log filtering.
My problem is, i wat to create a second alarmsystem. I have one for my house, and i try to make one more for my garage. I can´t figure out how i should do this.
My setup is verry simple. I have create a alarmsystem and add a keypad to it. I have no other sensors integrated, only the keypad. I can now make automations with the keypad together with Alarmo and this works verry good.
But as i say, i try to make a second alarmsystem but dont know how. I dont understand the code (described in the guide) how i should make it.
I set a name of the alarmsystem:
curl -H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ -X PUT -d ‘{“name”: “Huset”}’ http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:40850/api//alarmsystems/1/
I set a code to the keypad
curl -H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ -X PUT -d ‘{“code0”: xxxx"}’ http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:40850/api//alarmsystems/1/config
Now i see the keypad in home assistant and i can make automations with it.
But how can i make a second alarmsystem? To my garage…