deCONZ - Official thread

Setting the environment variable DECONZ_VNC_MODE to 1 enables a VNC server in the container

The instructions are pretty clear I think :wink:

Ha ha yes, I guess they are. :wink:

Edit: Enabling it breaks the Phoscon web app. Well well. I might be putting the arguments in the wrong place. :confused:

docker run -d --name=deconz --net=host --restart=unless-stopped -e TZ=Copenhagen -v /home/pi/Desktop/appdata/deconz:/root/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ -e DECONZ_WEB_PORT=9880 -e DECONZ_WS_PORT=9843 --device=/dev/ttyACM0 marthoc/deconz

I tried to put: -e DECONZ_VNC_MODE=1 -e DECONZ_VNC_PORT=5900
at the end before docker image and at the start before TZ, no luck :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

If you have a noticeable delay there is something wrong in your system. Have you put your conbee on an extension cord?

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How are you running home assistant?
Is it the same machine as deconz?

I think you replied to the wrong person :wink:

I have no lag/latency. All works but no VNC into the deconz mesh app. Well a slight latency sometimes compared to the hardware hubs. I thought of playing with the channels. But no luck with the VNC and the docker container. I have everything on the same machine.

put it before the device

Are you running a supervised installation. I’d so, try the addon

Gracias por favor! :slight_smile:

I’ve confirmed there is no problem, probably Phoscon sends a different transition value than Phillips Hue / HA does by default. I can send transition: 0 to actions and the light reaction is almost instantaneous. Thanks again @Robban!

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Sorry if it was discussed, I searched but not found it…
Which is best practice to make deconz installation work if I change ConbeeII stick ? (supposing it fails and installing a new one)

Not sure I’m in the right thread but here goes! A call out for some pointers guys…. believe I’ve got something going on with my Deconz set up…

I have some unaccountable behaviour in HA that I’m trying to track down, a good example is this:

Each evening I have an automation that at dusk turns on various lights including some flood lights:

As we can see on the 13th they turn on by the automation and then were turned back on three times by something unknown. On the 14th they turned on then back off again a minute later by something unknown. Seen similar behaviour on other devices.

Had a delve into the database to see I could glean anything further, but these state changes didn’t tie to an event linked to anything.

These are zigbee switches or lights so suspect the issue could be in there somewhere. I’m using the Deconz integration and would like to get a bit deeper into this. The log on the add on page only gives recent history and not been able to track down their home location (running the full HA OS so can’t easily get under the hood (well at least based on my understanding).

You could enable debug logging for the integration and see what is sent and received from the perspective of home assistant

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Well, no issues for a week(I didn’t restart obviously.) Now that I’ve updated HA and supervisor, everything is broken again. This is not a viable solution IMO. I’m now spending my Saturday trying to get the motion sensors and automations working again(seemingly fruitlessly.) I’ve tried numerous times to restart, move the device id for deconz, etc. no joy. I guess my original statement stands about the integration not being viable when using z-wave.

I did get them working again, but had to remove and re-add the sensors AND remove them from the automations I was using and add them back in there. Not a great experience, at all. I will probably discontinue use of zigbee now. Time to order some 433mhz motion sensors I guess :frowning: . I’m super disappointed as I really wanted to like and use zigbee.


I have been trying Conbee II with success.
But some issues are occurring and maybe someone can help me.
I have Conbee II, 7 Hue lamps (as zigbee repeater), and 6 sensors, if I disconnect 1 lamp (pull the plug), almost always a sensor goes down.

  • Should the sensor try to connect to other lamp?
  • When I connect the lamp again, the sensor does not come back, I have to reset it and add it again.

This problem is very maintenance demanding, since I have to be resetting sensors all the time.


Depending on the sensor, but my best guess is better wait for a long time the sensor try to send something or some of them can sync back if you click the button once and not factory resetting.


I use a nuc with the hass os / hassio image.

i see that the deconz supervisor addon is kinda far behind the beta branch. Now in 2.9.0 a huge bug was solved with my zigbee thermostat, is there not an easy way to update to the beta branch?

Cant really install docker on hassos either and run the beta branch there.

If you spent more than 15 minutes on this, it’s something other than the enumerated device name that’s your problem.

When it happens to me it’s a very simple fix that takes no more than 5-10 minutes.

  • Unplug both USB sticks and see that nothing is enumerated.
  • Plug in the first one (your pick of ZWave or ZigBee)
  • Restart HA and see what it shows up as.
  • Edit the config of ZigBee or Zwave to be whatever the new one is, and set the other integration to be the next number (IE if ACM0 shows up when Conbee is attached, set that, then set ZWave as ACM1)
  • Plug in the ZWave stick.
  • Restart HA and verify that it showed up as what you expected.
  • No other steps. Everything is working now.

This should not take more than 5 minutes, maybe to 10 if you have to walk back and forth to the basement to unplug/replug the sticks.

If you need to actually un-pair and re-pair sensors, then the enumerated USB name is not your main issue. (Pairing is stored on the stick itself. Simply not connecting to the deCONZ addon will not make it forget the pairing to the sensor.)

HassOS includes, and is based on (runs on, in fact) docker. You can install the Portainer addon to easily install and maintain other docker containers as needed.

Even after the device enumeration is fixed, the automations I use are all broken and have to be rebuilt. Maybe something with how discovery works between deconz and HA, idk. The status doesn’t feed through for these devices after an event like this.

I build my HA system to be absolutely reliable and this doesn’t fit. Im no longer interested in using deconz with my setup.

If anyone wants to buy a conbee II with 10 xiaomi aqara leak sensors, a couple sonoff motion sensors, ikea plug, and a couple ikea wall switches please let me know.

Hi all,

I have a strange problem ever since I have added dynDNS to my HA install: I stop receiving deconz_events when the deconz add-on (via supervisor) is restarted.

It’s a strange state where everything works, except I don’t received deconz_events in HA. I can still control my lights, access phoscon (only via local https://LOCAL_IP:8123, not via dynDNS https://MY_DOMAIN ), and also the switches work if I configure them in phoscon (i.e. I can control lights with my dimmer switches). I also receive events for light state changes etc. but no deconz_events for button presses on any dimmer or motion events on motion sensors.

This has occurred twice now:
The first time I was adding a group in the phoscon app. I had trouble accessing the phoscon interface (due to using the dynDNS domain) and only found out to use the local IP after restarting the deconz add-on.
I then tried reinstalling the phoson integration, resetting the deconz gateway etc, but nothing worked. Somehow the next morning it just worked again and I was receiving events again.

Now I have upgraded HA OS and Core and am facing the same issue.

I turned on the debug logs for deconz but don’t see any events when clicking a button. I do see some websocket events which appear to be polling the different lights.

Maybe someone can help me fix this here?