I can “check” the source routing in the menu. But when I close the page and reopen it, the “source routing” is unchecked. I’ve read somewhere that it can be actived in some sort of config file. But, I didn’t find yet where and how it’s done… Do you have an idea?
Deconz Addon 6.8.0 is finally out and is based on the 2.10.4 core.
ZBmini issue seems finally solved!
My deconz is broken.
Version 5.3.4 on HA 2021.3.4
Everything worked fine. After a host restart I got this:
[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes...
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.
bind failed: Address already in use
error binding udev control socket
could not listen on fds: Invalid argument
[cmd] /run.sh exited 1
[cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts...
[cont-finish.d] done.
[s6-finish] waiting for services.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the TERM signal.
I could update to 6.8.0 but then all my lights are gone.
Restore a deconz backup does not work. So I have to bring back 5.3.4
Does anybody have an idea?
Hi, I a little desperated now. I performed the update.
I can access the phoscon gui and I see all the devices
But none of them could be switched.
I have these issues in the protokoll:
15:46:04:311 void zmMaster::handleStateIdle(zmMaster::MasterEvent) not connected goto OFF state
15:46:04:312 device state timeout ignored in state 1
15:46:04:811 wait reconnect 14 seconds
15:46:05:811 wait reconnect 13 seconds
15:46:06:811 wait reconnect 12 seconds
15:46:07:810 wait reconnect 11 seconds
15:46:08:311 failed to reconnect to network try=4
15:46:08:810 wait reconnect 10 seconds
15:46:09:811 wait reconnect 9 seconds
15:46:10:811 wait reconnect 8 seconds
15:46:11:810 wait reconnect 7 seconds
15:46:12:356 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
15:46:12:811 wait reconnect 6 seconds
15:46:13:311 failed to reconnect to network try=5
15:46:13:811 wait reconnect 5 seconds
15:46:14:811 wait reconnect 4 seconds
15:46:15:811 wait reconnect 3 seconds
15:46:16:811 wait reconnect 2 seconds
15:46:17:811 wait reconnect 1 seconds
15:46:17:873 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
15:46:17:874 COM: /dev/ttyAMA0 / serialno: , RaspBee
15:46:17:887 COM check bootloader
15:46:18:311 failed to reconnect to network try=6
15:46:18:811 Skip idle timer callback, too early: elapsed 935 msec
15:46:19:900 COM timout query bootloader, assume application
15:46:21:327 device state timeout ignored in state 2
15:46:22:372 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
15:46:23:310 try to reconnect to network try=7
15:46:24:311 device state timeout ignored in state 2
15:46:27:310 device state timeout ignored in state 2
15:46:28:311 try to reconnect to network try=8
15:46:32:374 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
15:46:32:811 device state timeout ignored in state 2
15:46:33:311 try to reconnect to network try=9
15:46:37:811 device state timeout ignored in state 2
15:46:38:311 try to reconnect to network try=10
15:46:42:373 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
15:46:42:810 device state timeout ignored in state 2
15:46:43:311 reconnect network failed, try later
15:46:43:812 start reconnect to network
What shall I do?
Edit: 18:37 CEST
I’m through that horror trip
Just wanted to restart the host due to very hight swap memory utilization and got in the end the latest update of deconz. Ok, this is a way to force updates as well
One major issue was, that I did not have taken into consideration, that the browser cache provides a wrong picture. As I changed the home assistant and opened a new instance with another browser, I got the crutial information. From this stage, the update went well even I had to delete the integration and add it later.
Now, everything is ok.
Ah, and another thing was new to me: the device in the deconz options by_id.
After updating to 2.10.4 deconz broke functionality of my FYRTUR blinds in HA and I decided I had enough. I disconnected 90 devices and paired them to ZHA. I spent hours and hours doing this and it involved a lot of cursing. I have 2 FYRTUR signal repeaters which are basically just a Zigbee signal repeater, one on the 1st floor and one on the 2nd floor. With a lot of persistence I paired every device in the house and now everything works, I am also pleased that it’s much much quicker. Some devices that are further away from the controller/router have a small delay but crucially, they work. It seems like the longer you leave them, the better it gets as the mesh self-optimizes. I would recommend anyone tired of dealing with Phoscon/deconz to consider ZHA, it seems much better than it was on the early days.
Hi, having deConz watched sice thursday, I noticed that the cpu usage is permanently too high from my perspective:
Does anybody else hase experiences with 6.8.0?
My system is a raspb3+. Yes, the new HA blue! is ordered but anyway, I thing that 12 % is much too high.
My previous version 3.5.1 used 2 to 3 %
Is there something strange in the protokoll?
Probably a stupid question, but i never experienced this when running DeConz in Windows: why does the DeConz addon in HA sometimes not show the links between nodes (the lines in various colors)? And how can I see them again?
I noticed, that my Conbee II stick is now 2 generations of firmware behind what is available on DE github (I’m on 26660700 now, while 26670700 and 26680700 are available). What is the latest FW version supported by HA addon?
if using the addon, can you update
although if you rea the manuall update method for docker and the addon it not possible from what i read
Yeap, I have necessary tools installed on my windows laptop, to be able to update outside of HA> The real question is if it is safe? From the past I recall there should be some match between Phoscon version and FW version. So would it be safe to update to the latest version?
Did this change recently? I’m trying to update the config of a new sensor and I keep getting an error:
Logger: homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection
Source: components/websocket_api/connection.py:129
Integration: Home Assistant WebSocket API (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 2:02:52 PM (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 2:03:00 PM
[140650610024560] Error handling message: expected dict for dictionary value @ data['service_data']. Got [{'duration': 61}]
Service call looks identical:
service: deconz.configure
entity: binary_sensor.aqara_motion_kitchen_table
field: '/config'
'duration': 61
Edit: This works
service: deconz.configure
data: {
entity: "binary_sensor.aqara_motion_kitchen_table",
field: "/config",
data: { duration: 61 }
Hey, I have noticed some delays in all my zigbee devices lately. The tradfri motion sensor, sometimes is not even responding at all.
I have looked into the deconz log and noticed stuff like this:
08:50:18:136 Skip idle timer callback, too early: elapsed 948 msec
08:50:20:986 Skip idle timer callback, too early: elapsed 876 msec
08:50:21:957 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x01 cluster 0x0001 (end-device might sleep)
08:50:23:031 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
08:50:23:033 GW firmware version: 0x26390500
08:50:23:034 GW firmware version is up to date: 0x26390500
08:50:25:958 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x01 cluster 0x0001 (end-device might sleep)
08:50:27:957 Skip idle timer callback, too early: elapsed 80 msec
08:50:30:964 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x01 cluster 0x0001 (end-device might sleep)
08:50:34:958 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x01 cluster 0x0001 (end-device might sleep)
08:50:36:957 Skip idle timer callback, too early: elapsed 326 msec
08:50:50:091 Skip idle timer callback, too early: elapsed 945 msec
Does anyone have similar issues or can anyone help me with it?
how can i solve this?
Logger: homeassistant.components.deconz
Source: components/deconz/gateway.py:301
Integration: deCONZ (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 17:22:50 (8 occurrences)
Last logged: 17:29:10
Error connecting to deCONZ gateway at
First I would check, if the IP is still correct.
Stop the Home Assistent container (if you are using Docker) and then change the IP in the file core.config_entries. Restart Home Assistant.
i use no docker. use the hassio on my raspberry pi 4.
ip is changed, but error isnt gone
Source: components/deconz/gateway.py:301
Integration: deCONZ ([documentation](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/deconz), [issues](https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22integration%3A+deconz%22))
First occurred: 20:48:20 (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 20:51:10
Error connecting to deCONZ gateway at
deConz LOG:
If everything in phoscon app looks fine, delete the deconz Integration and add it again (including the pairing process in the gateway’s advanced settings).
If you didn’t change the names in hass, no additional work should be necessary
delete the deconz Integration and add it again
→ ready. but havent helps. every time the same error.
in phoson is all ok.
i switch to zigbee2mqtt. sorry, but this addon is in my case to buggy for me.