deCONZ - Official thread

Is phoscon version 2.05.65 only for conbee II? I have a conbee I and just says no update available? Also my FW is 26330500 - is this the most recent for a conbee I? I have looked at github and it suggests no, but it says no update available.

Same phoscon for all hardware but fw differ

Cheers. doing a manual update now…wish me luck :slight_smile:

what do you suggest ?
in phoscon zigbee channel is on 11
in my house i have 3 AP on 1 , 6 , 11

just change in phoscon to something else? any suggestion? then just do a restart of deconz
will all end devices automatically connect again? or do i need to pair each device again
i also read somewhere that some channels are not supported?

Take a look at this:

Try to switch Zigbee channel to 25 and WiFi channel 11 to 3. They should automatically reconnect but give it some time.

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Hi all,

Here is my set up and I wonder if anyone here can help.

I have HA running on a Ubuntu container and deconz on a standalone RPI3 using a ConBee I stick. Rasbian up to date, and f/w and now phoscon app on latest.

Everything is fine, except I just cannot get it to connect to the hue app or (preferably) iConnect hue app.

I have on the conbee the following connected:

12 Xiaomi sensors (door and motion)
4 Hue Motion sensors
1 Hue Tap
1 Hue
5 Hue Bulbs (white)
2 CC2531 as routers

On my Hue hub I still have approx 25 hue lights connected as they are in rooms and I use extensively the scenes.

Is there anyway to get Deconz connected to iConnect Hue or the Hue app or anyway to import the scenes into Deconz (maybe through the rest API? I want to ditch the hue hub, but cant until I can get the scenes replicated?

Thanks in advance


ok, interesting, thnx for that
but changing my ap from 11 to 3
so then i have 1 / 3 / 6 , isnt that too close?

Highly depends on your setup and layout but one thing is for sure you’ll need to create some room for your Zigbee devices. Just give it a try, it’s the only way to know if it works.

Ok, changed to 25 now , left access points for now on how it was, one step at a time :wink:

Fingers crossed :grin:

indeed, step by step
but still, i read a lot of complaints with those xiaomi :slight_smile:

Where does these mesh graphs come from?

To see what is going on in hassio, click on the Events tab, then type ‘deconz_events’ next to ‘Start Listening’ at the bottom, then click ‘Start Listening’.
Then click or turn the dimmer. You should see the dimmers output that you can then use in your automation.

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You need to use the marthdoc add-on, not offical one, the marthdoc add-on gives you an vnc server

I don’t have “deconz_events” in my available events (nothing happens when I start listening for them).


I notice that your screenshot you do have the “deconz_events” item…?

Have you added the Deconz component to hassio? Can you see any of your other deconz devices?

Yes I’ve added the add-on, enabled the integration and have the entities added to Lovelace and are controllable (well, the lights are).

I’m using the official add-on if that makes a difference.

How do you add deConz to HA on hassbian. I have deconz app running and can log into it to activate the discovery to connect new devices but in HA the doc say to use DeConz configurator to get the key.

Where do I get Deconz configurator

OK found it by my self. now let load some devices
Thank you

Do you have Xiaomi gateway s too (or other Zigbee gateways) ?

When I had Conbee+Xiaomi gateways the two did not mesh and interfered with each other