deCONZ - Official thread

And there are no changes related to web socket and deconz for nearly a year

yes, its strange, i have no clue either, i hope that i can resolve it, or at least know why it happens
otherwise i am forced to use zha instead of deconz

I was able to update deCONZ/Phoscon Gateway to the latest version (02.05.67)
I have an Ikea Motion Sensor and an Ikea light bulb.

I added both to the gateway succesfully.
I also was able to integrate deConz to HA via the integrations tab.

Both the sensor and the bulb are recognized in HA.

But…when the sensor is triggered - the binary sensor switches to ON - but also the light switches to the ON state in HA (the light itself stays off)

Does anybody have the same issue?

I still have a Ikea Hub, so for now…I added the sensor to the deCONZ and the light to the Ikea Hub, but offcourse I would like to get rid of the Ikea Hub.

thats a known issue:

Thanks for the info - I hope this can be resolved soon. :frowning:

Anybody has experience with the Xiaomi Aqara Curtain Motors Rails?

hi @Robban
if i i restart hassio, i see this in the system log in tab, supervisor
not sure what it means :

19-09-03 08:18:20 WARNING (MainThread) [hassio.addons.addon] Add-on core_deconz new schema is not compatible
19-09-03 08:18:20 WARNING (MainThread) [hassio.tasks] Add-on core_deconz will be ignored, schema tests fails

That is some add-on related stuff I know nothing about.

Can probably ignore that… At the moment I have loaded every components back, now waiting, should normally occur in next 12 hours…

Then next step is update to 98 and new deconz

after many hours/days of testing and reading, I’m getting nowhere with this plugin. I started a few months ago and used the RaspBee with HA ~89 or something. Could add the lights from Philips and Orsam, everything worked fine. At some time it started to freeze and i had to restart HA, to get it working again (not a big issue at this point, thought the raspberry was getting hot). I get a case with heatsink for the raspberry and tried to switch to another hardware (board), because I thought it was damaged or something.
Now I’m at HA 0.98.2 with the deconz 2.05.67 and nothing works anymore.
I flashed a new HA installation on the SD card, put int the enable_uart and disable-bt option. Installed the deconz plugin and now:

  • I’m able to open the VNC and web interface
  • The VNC shows the deconz software with the RaspBee option to select. On “Connect” nothing happens
  • The Webinterface shows the firmware version 2.05.67, but it sais “not connected” and i cannot add any lights, or do a gateway reset -> fails
  • I tried /dev/ttyS0 and /dev/ttyAMA makes no difference
  • due the login page on the webinterface 2 gateways are shown, but one is grayed out. Strangely i have to enter a different password sometimes
  • When i use the deconz software based on raspbian, I can see all devices and values.

I read that the issue might be a second instance running of the plugin? Could this be possible?
Can somebody please give me a hint what I could do? I dont want to go back to that time where i had to use switches for lights :smile:

starting version 232
[19:24:31] INFO: Starting VNC server...
[19:24:35] INFO: Starting the deCONZ gateway...
[19:24:35] INFO: Running the deCONZ OTA updater...
[19:24:35] INFO: Running the IKEA OTA updater...
[19:24:35] INFO: Running discovery task...
libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to open swrast (search paths /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/dri:${ORIGIN}/dri:/usr/lib/dri)
libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to open swrast (search paths /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/dri:${ORIGIN}/dri:/usr/lib/dri)
[19:24:35] INFO: Success send discovery information to Home Assistant
[19:24:35] INFO: deCONZ is set up and running!
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile

Are you running Hassio or a manual installed HA?
I am running a Deconz Docker image (version 2.05.67) and manually installed HA version 0.98 without any issues.

its indeed strange that 2 gateways are shown - do they also show the same IP address?

From the HA documentation: * Xiaomi Aqara Curtain controller is supported *

Just hoping its this one :slight_smile:

Im running hassio for raspberry pi 3 (32 bit)
Both gateways have the same ip, but one is grayed out and has this brown chain symbol on it.
I did a reset of the gateway with the deconz image, but it’s still the same, even if i switch back to the old raspberry 3 board (not B+)

Try with another browser or clean all the cookies and other staff from your browser. The browser remembers the first deconz dongle and try to connect to it and now is not there.

It happened to me when I changed from raspbee to conbee.

I hope it helps.

I don’t have experience with the Hassio AddOn, sorry.
(also - from what I read in the tread here is that the Hassio AddOn will not be supported anymore - only the docker image.

All add-ons are docker images/containers

The docker container and the standalone deCONZ behave differently. As far as I know the docker version doesn’t show wifi as it doesn’t apply in the case of use in Docker.

To recreate the container, you need to stop your existing container, delete it, and recreate it using the same config as the first container but you can point to a new image:

docker stop container-name
docker rm container-name
docker run -d [your options here] marthoc/deconz:2.05.66

@DieterClaeys there is an official hassio deCONZ add-on that will have continued support

marthocoo, thanks for the response

@Robban, from what I understand in the tread here, the AddOn will no further will be developed…
(post of Mar 18)

Edit 02: found out there are more then one add-on :slight_smile: , and one of them will not be supported anymore - sorry for the confusion