deConz protocol: setup error


Running my automation on a HA Green.

Have a conbee II running with lights, sensors and switches.

Days ago lost power. After repowering got message: Einrichtungsfehler (setup error)

Checked protocol and found:
/data/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/zll.db unable to open database file.
and some lines later:
/data/.local/share/deCONZ/zll.db exists and is writeable

So decided to remove integration and start from scratch (add integration) again.
But I cant get rid off the error message.

It shows 7 devices and 10 Entities. But if I connet to deconz the gateway has no paired devices!

Finally resetted the gateway in deconz but the HA still shows 7 devices, 1 service and 10 entities.

Addon No 2:
Finally removed everything also the devices, service and entities remove integratoion and started again.
Still the same. I have no clue what other things I can try.
Any advice? Thanks