DeCONZ RaspBee integration with Hassio and Xaiomi Sensors

I am wanting to use Dresden Elektronik’s, RaspBee within the same raspberry pi that I have Hassio installed on and the DeCONZ integration (this is the addon I’m using)

Basically I want to use one raspberry pi with Hassio and RaspBee to control Xiaomi Sensors so I don’t have to use the Xiaomi Gateway or another raspberry pi strictly for the RaspBee.

Has anyone accomplished this? Maybe it would work if I manually installed home assistant instead of using hassio.img?

Have you tried the recommended add-on from the components documentation?

I have installed Hassbian on my RPi3 and installed Hassio on top by using the install script.

Just change the Hassbian port or deactivate the Hassbian service to avoid conflicts.
After that you can install Deconz as it is suggested on their github page… :slight_smile:
IMHO the best of both worlds now. I have one Hass instance with full system access and the other with Docker containers and Hassio addons.

I have not. I’ll take a look at it.

Thank you. I’ll check this out and see if I can get it to work. :slight_smile:

Where can I find the recommended add-on? Do you have a link?

There’s a link in the components documentation on hass webpage