After a reboot of HA the Conbee stick suddenly changed IP-address from .7 to .6 making all devices unavailable. I have tried restarting the Deconz/Phoscon SW and also removing and installing the Deconz integration. This works and immediately identifies the GW at the new IP and some sensors but they are all marked as “Disabled”. I have tried calling the services “DeCONZ:Remove orphaned entries” and DeCONZ:Device refresh but it seems impossible to clear the old entries. They still show up as Disabled. Completely removing all Deconz SW, rebooting and starting all over does not help. The old stuff is still there “disabled”. I’m running HA on Odroid blue.
UPDATE: It seems i have multiple instances of the Deconz integration loaded. How do I remove them? It seems they survive a reboot of HA.
UPDATE: Found it! Go to Integrations and filter “Disabled integrations” top right. Then you can remove all previous instances of the Deconz integration. And start over…