deCONZ - Support management of DDF files through HA config

If you want a more user friendly UI for edditing file than vi you can run this command after login to ssh on port 22222;

docker run -it --rm -p 22223:8080 -v /mnt/data/supervisor/addons/data/core_deconz/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/devices:/data hurlenko/filebrowser

Then open homeassistant.local:22223 and login with admin : admin

This will run a auto removing container based on filebrowser.

Press CTRL + C or close the ssh windows to stop it.

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Did deconz ddf changes via VNC UI for innr (sp_120) device. Noticed, that uppon deconz add-on restart those changes were lost

Mine approach (zero knowledge of linux)
I did not had remote ssh to HA configured (only to ssh container via ad-on). So I used portainer ad-onn and connected to addon_core_deconz containerā€™s console and executed one command:

cp /usr/share/deCONZ/devices/innr /data/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/devices -r

innr part should be replaced with your device manufacturer or you can just copy only one device.

Restarted deconz. Looks like it is working.

Yes itā€™s working but if the DDF is updated by the core you will be using the old file you put in the share folder

So, if I understand correctly, this feature of deCONZ hasnā€™t been implemented? Itā€™s not great to do this manually via portainer (unsafe) or SSH (unsafer).

Why donā€™t mount the relevant folder to the HA config folder like z2m?

Who is still working on this container? Is there still intereset by the dev to implement this, or not? Would like to know if I shouldnā€™t switch to z2m for example.

I tried to transfer a DDF via SSH for about 3 hours yesterday just to reset my Conbee with this action

I would be happy about a proper integration of this function

Is it still that difficult or did I miss something. I donā€˜t have deep knowledge of HA, dockers or Linux. Iā€˜m struggling with this since a few days.