Decora_wifi integration doesn't start - SOLVED

I added this to configuration.yaml (tried with and without quotes):

  - platform: decora_wifi
    username: "username"
    password: "password"

When I restart HA, “Starting light.decora_wifi, not everything will be available until it is finished.DISMISS” stays there for a while. The log has this:

2023-09-24 22:46:50.527 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Waiting on integrations to complete setup: light.decora_wifi
2023-09-24 22:47:00.909 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.light] Setup of platform decora_wifi is taking longer than 60 seconds. Startup will proceed without waiting any longer.
2023-09-24 22:47:42.186 ERROR (SyncWorker_5) [homeassistant.components.decora_wifi.light] Failed to communicate with myLeviton Service

I can see via PiHole that HA is trying to connect to I have no issues controlling Leviton Wifi devices via Leviton app (on the same network).

I see a few threads mentioning similar issues, but no obvious solution. Has anybody seen/solved this?

Turns out it was authentication issue. I was mislead by the app working fine which probably had an old token. When I tried to log in on, it asked to change password, and once I did, HA connected.