Decyphering esphome reset info

Using debug component one can get diagnostic information about the state of the esphome node including the reason of latest reset. It looks something like this:

Reset: Hardware Watchdog|Fatal exception:4 flag:1 (Hardware Watchdog) epc1:0x40103ced epc2:0x00000000 epc3:0x0000

Based on the information found on other forums(arduino esp8266) i think that the “epc1” indicates to memory address where the problematic program call is located. Does anyone know how to analyze esphome prgoram memory to pinpoint the problematic code? I know that there are tools for arduino environment to analyze stack dumps etc. but it is to much hassle for me, as i don’t know those programs well. I wonder if there is such possibility for esphome environment. Maybe analyzing the firmware .bin or .elf…
I’ll be gratefull for any help, as i’ve got the node mounted already and now the problem occured.