I wanted to share my latest project with all of you.
It’s a custom Lovelace card, that shows all the relevant sensors (Plus a little more) for the Octoprint integration in a single card!
It’s still a work in progress, and I have a lot of ideas for improvement and expansion!

You can find the code on GitHub - kasperlaursen/octoprint-card: All your 3D Printer info in a single Lovelace Card!. And I would love any feedback or contributions to the project!
The card is coded using Svelte and Typescript since I thought it would be fun to learn Svelte, and challenge the standard framework for Lovelace cards.
The first release can be found here: Release First Release · kasperlaursen/octoprint-card · GitHub
The Readme contains installation and contribution instructions.
HACS is not supported yet since this is my first Lovelace component, and I have not investigated how to integrate with HACS yet
Feel free to leave any feedback!
I would love you ideas and let me know if you are going to try out the card!