has anyone been able to get this addon working? I have a Deebot 900 and its on the supported list but I’ve had no luck getting it to work.
Heres the supported list (I’m not sure what the deebot-client and ecovacs-deebot.js mean)
has anyone been able to get this addon working? I have a Deebot 900 and its on the supported list but I’ve had no luck getting it to work.
Heres the supported list (I’m not sure what the deebot-client and ecovacs-deebot.js mean)
Hi @Emmettf,
Just tried this with my Deebot 901 and experienced the same. Then I found the anser in a closed Github issue.
The Deebot 4 Home Assistant uses the deebot-client integration (for now), which doesn’t support the Deebot 900. The blue “Note” above directs to the projects page, where is shown which projects use which integration.
They do plan to support all protocols, but there’s no eta on that yet. So i guess we’ll have to wait (or pitch in)
thanks @glivmo . I don’t understand how there can be 3 different integrations for deebot and none of them work with mine…Have to wait so. Thanks!
I have a Deebot Ozmo T5 and a Deebot 900 and I’ve been using this addon for quite some time. Unfortunately, this addon does not work with my 900 series, BUT I recently found that I can connect the 900 through nodered (which I suck at because I’ve never used it before).
By using a node called node-red-contrib-ecovacs-deebot
I can easily create a switch and a rudimentary sensor to poll the robot and extract the battery data. I didn’t bother further than that since I needed it to trigger whenever I leave home and that’s fine by me. Also I need two because I live in a two floor apartment.
After years of frustration I can finally say that I always return to a clean house. I’d gladly help if anyone needs help setting this up.
I also have 2 robots, 1 T8 Power robot and 1 T8 Max robot.
When the T8 Power robot logs into Deebot 4 Home Assistant with an Ecovacs account, it detects the robot, but when the T8 Max robot logs in with an Ecovacs account, it says it is not supported.
Can you please help me setup node-red like you, I really don’t know how to make my T8 Max robot integrate with HASS.
Thank you and God bless you!!!