Default Configuration.yaml in under Docker looks different than the RPi3

Goal: Install on Ubuntu 16.04 and then take down on RPi3.

I’m half-way there, but there are some points of confusion. is running on Ubuntu in a Docker container. The configuration.yaml file looks a bit different than the one that is on my Pi3.

There’s no homeassistant: section, and there’s a default_config: section.

On the RPi3, I had to update the homeassistant: section with various options, and then I also have a config: section.

It seems some of the options that were in my old homeassistant: section are taken care of through the new onboarding dialog when installing for the first time, so I don’t know if adding the homeassistant: section is still required?

The old config: component that was on the Pi3… does it need to be there again? What does this default_config: component do?

I’m trying to make sure I don’t screw things up.

If you use the new onboarding then no, homeassistant: isn’t required and default-config adds a bunch of standard components as per the link by Tom.

If you copy your old config to a new install, that will override the default_config and the onboarding in the GUI. It’s a personal preference.

Got it. Now, knowing that, if I try to customize any entities from the customize screen, there’s an error shown that indicates that I don’t have customize defined in configuration.yaml. Normally this was found nested under the homeassistant: section, but if we don’t need that, where would we put it?