Default dashboard keeps resetting to Overview

I recently reconfigured my primary custom .yaml dashboard configuration to clean up the URL (i.e. remove reference to anything “lovelace”). My configuration now looks like this:

  mode: storage
      mode: yaml
      filename: dashboard.yaml
      title: Home
      icon: mdi:home-account
      show_in_sidebar: true
      require_admin: false

Ever since, most of my devices reset the default dashboard frequently to Overview which is marked as default. This happens even if I stay logged in and on WiFi and/or when the app has to switch to external access (Nabu Casa) and then back to internal.

I cannot seem to pinpoint what part of the configuration changes are causing this. Any ideas on what’s causing this?

I’ve also posted about it here, but no responses after a month:

As shown here, I’ve set the Home dashboard as default:

But, as shown here, the profile dropdown still considers the Overview dashboard as the default. I assume this is why it keeps resetting even when I change this to Home since every time this happens, this dropdown field is cleared out (blank) and I have to reselect Home.

The default dashboard you are setting is a personal setting per device, and often cleared. The only way to make sure hou have a true, global, all users and devices yaml default dashboard is to name it ui-lovelace.yaml as stated in the documentation:

You won’t lose access to ui built ones doing this, you can still access those whenever you want.

Honestly, I’ve read that doc a few times, but never took away that the default dashboard MUST be named ui-lovelace. That seems unnecessarily restrictive, but if that’s how it’s gotta be, I’ll revert the name back and convert the front end issue into a feature request just to get things back to how they were.

It seems there is still a frontend bug though if it’s known that the per device default dashboard is “often cleared.” Any idea why this is still an issue?

I think, not sure, it is in a cookie or something. I didn’t spend to much effort to find out. Could be clearing the front end cache or things like that that reset it.

OK, so I just went to put everything back the way it was by first looking at an older configuration.yaml file from before I made the change that seemed to cause the issue with the default dashboard reverting to the Overview page. Here is how I had it configured using the second example in this section:

  mode: storage
      mode: yaml
      filename: DashboardHome.yaml
      title: Home
      icon: mdi:home-account
      show_in_sidebar: true
      require_admin: false

For easy comparison, here is what I changed it to:

  mode: storage
      mode: yaml
      filename: dashboard.yaml
      title: Home
      icon: mdi:home-account
      show_in_sidebar: true
      require_admin: false

As far as I can tell, the only things I changed was yaml-home to dash-board and the .yaml file was capitalized. But, the file name was not ui-lovelace.yaml. It seems there’s something else I need to track down that seems to effect the stickiness of custom yaml dashboards.

Maybe yaml has to be in the name of the dashboard (e.g. lovelace-yaml or yaml-home, but not dash-board).

This bit says your default dashboard is a GUI created one, not a yaml one. I think that may have something to do with it. I’m also pretty sure I kept having problems until I changed to the default name HA uses and I never ever had problems again. It makes sense to me if that name is in the code as the default.

Maybe there are more reasons why defaults won’t stick, but I didn’t care enough about the file name to ever look back. It does not shop up anywhere importand because the dashboard has a name too.

It does show up on places where the UI is accessed via a browser (e.g. desktop browsers and the Tesla browser). Admittedly, the original goal was OCD of me, but I was trying to finish personalizing all aspects of my UX. This was one of the final steps (rid the UI of any lovelace references).

But, just to get everything working properly again with a single dashboard, here are the steps I’ve taken IAW these instructions and your recommendations:

  1. Switched back to a single dashboard in yaml mode*.
  mode: yaml
  1. Re-added a file called ui-lovelace.yaml with the following content:
views: !include_dir_merge_list views

…that points to the same views folder I was previously using where the first file starts with:

- title: Overview
  path: Overview
  1. Restarted Home Assistant

Over the last couple weeks, I’ve been able to access all of the Views of this ui-lovelace.yaml Dashboard, but I’m still experiencing the original issue where the Default Dashboard under the User Profile keeps clearing itself out making the Overview (now lovelace.yaml) Dashboard unavailable in the sidebar. It returns if I manually re-specify the Overview (default) view, but only for that client device and then clears out again within ~1-2 days.

Here are the options available under the Dashboard dropdown:

The UI Sandbox dashboard is a completely UI controlled dashboard that I use to create template cards in the UI and then copy to the main configuration.yaml for further refinement and/or duplication. I wonder if this could be causing a problem since its configuration is in the .storage folder, but I’m no longer configured for storage mode.

Any ideas what I may be missing to get my configuration back to retaining my primary default dashboard?

*Of note, by switching back to yaml mode, I had to type out the path to all 28 resource modules in configuration.yaml that were previously specified in the UI (Dashboards > kebab menu > Resources). I don’t know why a yaml configuration cannot read the resources as specified in the UI as well.

I gave you the answer above, as described in the docs I linked you to. Make sure the mode is set to yaml, make sure the filename is ui-lovelace.yaml and you won’t ever need to worry again. It has worked for me for over two years and for four users. But indeed you need to manually list all used resources from now on. That is because of yaml mode.

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Right, I did all of that and it’s still an issue.

My first view has path: default_view and not overview, maybe that is it? It never disappears from the sidebar for me, that usually happens if another view is set the default. Do you have any automation that sets a different default? (I seem to remember I experimented with this before I got it right. Or maybe that was with themes. I don’t know anymore). I have several other dashboards, both yaml and storage.

Internal url is …:8123/lovelace/default_view

Have you tried clearing the front end cache?

And last but not least, make sure you didn’t bookmark an url to the wrong view. Tip from another thread.

Thanks, I don’t think any of those factors are at play here. The primary offender are the iOS apps. I just did a Frontend cache reset and still got the symptoms I described in this update to my Github issue.

There is no mention of the keyword “default” in my automations or themes. Is the bookmark a potential consideration in the iOS app?

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