Default Dashboard Not Working in Fully Kiosk Browser

I have been running HA in Fully Kiosk Browser for sometime, successfully. I have created a new dashboard that I want to use on my wall mounted tablet, but no matter what I do I can’t get it to default to anything but the “Overview” Dashboard. The tablet is an Amazon Fire, I have cleared the cache and selected the Dashboard I want to use in my profile for the device, but it won’t change. Any ideas? I have raised an issue, but that may take some time to resolve.

I stumbled on the answer myself this afternoon. Despite what you set the HA Dashboard to, it doesn’t make any difference. The Dashboard will default to what you set FKB to in the FKB Settings. for example, I had FKB set to whereas the Dashboard I wanted to use was “kiosk-test”, so it needed to be set to

Still not working here, at startup always the Home dashboard is shown, although I specify dashboard-kiosk in the FKB url. „Goto start URL“ works correctly.
Maybe the problem is that I use https (over DuckDNS).