"default" message for auto-entities card if no entities pass filter?

I’m hoping there is a simple solution to this since that I am missing.
I have 36 UPS units that are being monitored using the NUT Integration.
each one has an entity(sensor.ups_name.status) that reports either “Online” or “unknown” if the UPS is down.
The auto-entities card allows me to filter the entities correctly.
If I filter by “Online” I can display all the “online” entities in an entity card.
However, if I filter by “unknown” and all UPS units are online I don’t seem to have the option to display a default message in that card such as “All UPS units are operating normally”, I can only choose to not show the card in my dashboard at all or show what at this point is an empty card…
If anyone has any ideas on how to accomplish this I would appreciate it.

Ok, so here is what I came up with to make what I wanted work.

ttype: custom:stack-in-card
title: 'UPS Units Status:'
mode: vertical
  - type: conditional
      - entity: sensor.n1_1_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.n2_1_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.n2_2_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.n3_2_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.n3_1_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.n4_1_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.n4_2_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.b4_2_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.b4_1_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.b3_2_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.b3_1_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.b2_2_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.b2_1_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.b1_2_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.gp_2_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.gp_1_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.m1_2_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.m1_1_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.t1_2_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.t1_1_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.m4_2_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.m4_1_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.m3_2_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.m3_1_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.m2_2_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.m2_1_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.t4_2_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.t4_1_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.t3_2_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.t3_1_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.t2_2_status
        state: Online
      - entity: sensor.t2_1_status
        state: Online
      type: markdown
      content: |
        All UPS Units Are Currently Online!
  - type: custom:auto-entities
      type: entities
        - name: /Status$/
          state: unavailable
          integration: nut
    show_empty: false

It sure seems like I should be able to use the auto-entities card to do what I am successfully doing with the conditional card only a lot more efficiently with less repetition and less code in general.
Could anyone offer a suggestion as to hao I might accomplish that?

Did you ever come up with a solution that does not require manually putting in all the entities? I’m making a dashboard to make sure it is “safe” to go to bed and it sure would be nice to have it show a positive message that nothing matched the filter rather than just blank or the title.