Default View and Views

OK this is driving me crazy!

I have been running with just a home view but am splitting my cards into views now. I can’t for the life of me stop the switches and lights from having an overall on/off button - same for all automations. This only happens on the multi tab view. I have control: hidden for the view - I get a validation error if I have it in the group with the entities as I did previously.

  name: Lights & Switches
  view: yes
  icon: mdi:power
  control: hidden
    - group.light
    - group.ios_devices
    - group.scenes
    - group.all_automations
    - group.switch


also… is there any way to put my scenes on a card? These displayed by default when I didn’t have different views. I can only see doing it by adding all scenes to a group.

Here is an example of the way mine is setup.

I have several tabs (views) and each tab has groups. To hide the control you need to include that in the group definition.


    view: yes
    name: Main
      - updater.updater
      - sensor.sunroom_east_us_sensor_value
      - group.alarm_panel
      - group.mbr
      - group.sunroom
      - group.basement
      - group.garage
      - group.lights
      - group.switches
      - group.cameras
      - group.devices
    view: yes
    name: Environment
      - group.severe_alerts
      - group.environment_inside
      - group.environment
    view: yes
    name: Automations & Scripts
      - group.notifications
      - group.automations
      - group.scenes
      - group.scripts
      - group.light_motion_control
      - group.input_booleans
      - group.presence_simulation

and here are some groups. one has the control hidden & the other doesn’t:

    name: Master Bedroom
    control: hidden
      - switch.master_bedroom_light
      - switch.master_bedroom_fan_1
      - switch.master_bedroom_fan_2
      - switch.master_bedroom_fan_3
      - switch.master_bedroom_fan_0
      - light.sengled_e11g13_030712d6_1

    name: Basement
      - switch.main_basement_lights_switch
      - switch.basement_workshop_lights
      - switch.basement_dragon_room_lights
      - binary_sensor.water_sensor_main_basement_sensor

Here is what it looks like:

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Thanks but you can clearly see in the group I posted that it should be hidden.

I can clearly see that you have the “control: hidden” in your view definition. I’m not sure that will work to hide the control for the group cards for each sub group in the view, tho. I think you have to have it in the group definition.

In the group if I put control: hidden I get a config validation error.

I’m not sure why. you can see it in my examples above and it works perfectly.

what does the error say?

Configuration invalid
Invalid config for [group]: value is not allowed for dictionary value @ data[‘group’][‘Light’][‘control’]. Got ‘hidden - light.dining - light.lounge - light.yeelight_white_34ce00887db6 - light.yeelight_white_34ce00882e27 - light.office_light_group - - light.spots’. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 398). Please check the docs at

  control: hidden
    - light.dining
    - light.lounge
    - light.yeelight_white_34ce00887db6
    - light.yeelight_white_34ce00882e27
    - light.office_light_group
    - light.spots

You’re missing the “entities” key.


  control: hidden
    - light.dining
    - light.lounge
    - light.yeelight_white_34ce00887db6
    - light.yeelight_white_34ce00882e27
    - light.office_light_group
    - light.spots

funny you should say that… I’m just trying that. The examples in the cookbook don’t have that though and none of the other groups have it either… I don’t know how to do that for the automations though…

just create a group with whatever you want to call your automations group and then do the same thing.

here’s mine:

    name: Various Automations
    control: hidden
      - automation.delay_battery_notify_after_automation_reload
      - automation.delay_battery_notify_after_homeassistant_startup
      - automation.deck_light_off_at_1am
      - automation.deck_light_off_at_sunrise
      - automation.deck_light_on_at_dusk

It will then create a group with those automations and no main control.

I edited the customize.yaml and put it in there

  friendly_name: Automations
  hidden: false
  control: hidden

It’s already a group… I don’t want to specifically define that group because if I then add an automation I need to remember to add it to the group.

I really wish there was an all_scenes group for the same reason…

It works having it in customize as shown. I’d swear I tried that…


All sorted out then?

yeah and thanks for your help and helping me think it through.

No problem. :grinning: