Default_view only showing first group

My group config looks as follows:

    view: yes
      - group.liondesk
      - group.all_automations

“” shows up in the default view, but nothing else. group.liondesk and group.all_automations show up on the dev-state page so they do exist.

I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I’m running HA 0.37.1

I renamed it to “testview” so that it wasn’t the default view and the problem is still there, so it doesn’t have anything to do with being the default. Though I still don’t know what the problem is.

While I can’t specifically say what’s wrong without seeing the rest of your group definitions, I can say that I have also noticed that group.all_automations doesn’t actually display anything. My guess would be group.liondesk isn’t actually returning anything for the view.

Like @mconway says, if the group is empty then it is perhaps not a bug.

See what is in the group in the states tab <> on the developer tools of HASS.

The other option is that your .yaml has a funny character

Any complaints in the log file?

What if you change the order of the list?

Is the group.liondesk set to visible: false?

group.liondesk is configured like so:

    name: Lion's Desk
      - switch.headphones_switch_2_0
      - switch.speakers_switch_4_0

And looks like this in the dev state:

entity_id: switch.headphones_switch_2_0,switch.speakers_switch_4_0
friendly_name: Lion's Desk
order: 2

And appears correctly in the default default_view.

group.all-automations appears like this in dev state:

auto: true
entity_id: automation.turn_on_office_lights_when_there_is_movement
friendly_name: all automations
hidden: true
order: 4

I don’t know where “hidden: true” has come from but it likewise appears correctly in the default default_view.

The only error in the log is:
17-02-09 01:10:29 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Unable to find service binary_sensor/turn_on

Which I think is a different problem? I don’t really understand what that means.

The group all automations is hidden by default. (Most of the ‘all’ groups are.)

It is, however, a valid group (I use it myself) but to see the entities in it, you have to specifically set the group’s hidden: attribute to false in the customize section.

OK great, setting hidden: false on all automations has made it appear. One down, one to go! group.liondesk is still awol

OK, I solved my own problem, but I’m not very happy about it.

The liondesk group is a member of the office group. If I take liondesk out of office, then it shows up.

Is there any way I can show it both separately but also inside the office group? This works fine on the default default_view.