Defective SDS011

I’m using a SDS011 in my outdoor weather station. The last one was defective after about 6 months, and the second one shows first signs of defectiveness after a few months as well. The defectiveness is, that the values goes up to 999,9 for a few hours per day. The rest of the day it is working.

Anyone experiencing this as well? Is this a pure hardware defect or can this be handled by software? Obviously, I don’t want to buy a new sensor twice a year.

Well the lifetime of the sensor is not so long according at specs: 8 000hrs for the laser insile which is around 11 months with default measure time every 1s.
Did you keep the default setting with ESPHome ? Manufacturer advises to setup measure time higher for longer lifetime of sensor if realtime is not needed !
Where did you buy the sensor ? are you sure it’s an original one ?

My configuration is like this, so I think, the expected lifespan should not be the problem here. Or is there any other setting other than update_interval?

  - platform: sds011
      name: "Feinstaub <2.5µm"
      id: pm25
      name: "Feinstaub <10.0µm"
      id: pm10
    update_interval: 5min

I bought this sensor on AliExpress. I was not aware of the fact, that there are counterfeit versions of this product on the market.