Define multiple Google Cloud TTS 'providers' with different languages

Hi - I’m wondering if there’s a way to define more than a single instance of the same TTS provider. In my case I have the Google Cloud TTS provider set up and working fine (tts.google_cloud_say), configured to use one of the English language voices. But depending on the situation I’d like to use one of the non-English voices sometimes (via a script or automation). Is there a way to achieve this? Seems the language/voice is set once in the platform definition and can’t be changed dynamically, and presumably I can’t just define another google_could platform as that would be considered duplication.


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I have the same question / issue.
Somewhere I read that they are currently working on a “on-the-fly configuration”. That would be awesome to achieve this then. Hope this is coming soon

Have you seen this post?

I just came across it and am just trying it out.

Recently filed Unable to configure multiple TTS services for the same platform · Issue #70072 · home-assistant/core · GitHub to track this

Any progress on that? I want to setup Microsoft’s TTS in a way that I can use multiple voices (regular voice during the day and whisper voice after a certain hour).
As the tts integration requires to use the name of the platform as an ID, I don’t know if what I want to do is possible.

Have a look at the post I linked to just above.

I am doing this and it works. There is a single Google TTS service, and you pass it the voice parameters each time you call it (e.g in script, automation).

Works perfectly well.

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Thanks for the suggestion, but after trying Microsoft / Azure TTS services, there is no going back to Google :slight_smile: . Much clearer and natural voices, especially for English.

I’ll take a look anyway to see if there’s any chance to adapt it to Microsoft’s TTS.

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Regardless, I think the actual process of implementing the voices will be the same. The OP asks specifically about Google Cloud TTS, so please don’t spam other products.

A-Greed!! I is there documentation for the style modifiers? I could find the parameters and such for HA yaml configs.