Definitions of lights and groups

progressing a bit with the setup, but have some questions…

I have two objectives with my HA effort; being able to manually toggle lamps with presets, and having automation conditionally doing it for me. I am using Philips Hue.

Starting with the manual scenario

  1. While reading up on configuration, it was stated that each entity should be defined in the configuration.yaml. Question being, how do I do it? I find examples, but none which depicts this?

I tried to add two files;
lights: ~/.homeassistant/light.yaml
group: ~/.homeassistant/groups.yaml

- platform: hue
- light.two
- light.three

- lamp:
name: Lamp
- light.two

and imported them by adding following to configuration.yaml:
“light: !include light.yaml”
“group: !include groups.yaml”

Judging from the log below the contents of those are obviously not correct…

Jan 06 22:45:55 hassbian systemd[1]: Started Home Assistant for homeassistant.
Jan 06 22:45:57 hassbian hass[3675]: 2019-01-06 22:45:57 ERROR (Thread-2) [homeassistant.util.yaml] mapping values are not allowed here
Jan 06 22:45:57 hassbian hass[3675]:   in "/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/light.yaml", line 2, column 13
Jan 06 22:45:57 hassbian hass[3675]: 2019-01-06 22:45:57 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Error loading /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/configuration.yaml: mapping va
Jan 06 22:45:57 hassbian hass[3675]:   in "/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/light.yaml", line 2, column 13
Jan 06 22:45:57 hassbian hass[3675]: 2019-01-06 22:45:57 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Starting Home Assistant
Jan 06 22:45:57 hassbian hass[3675]: 2019-01-06 22:45:57 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Timer:starting

Loading HA in my browser happily stated that neither ‘light’ nor ‘group’ could be set up…

I have looked through what I could find on “” but did not find the correct syntax, please help.


Please follow the instructions at the top of the page and post your config properly.

Fair enough, Sorry. I have corrected that now.

There hasn’t been a light/hue platform for like a hundred versions. You have to setup the hue component standalone

    - host: !secret hue_hub_ip
      allow_unreachable: true


I do have the config for the bridge you sent already in place. If I uncomment the light.yaml & groups.yaml, it loads and present my lamps on the dash, but I thought it was possible to group lights in HA as well…

I thought it was going to be easier configuring something nice with HA instead of the different apps for hue… Guess I was wrong then?

Yes you can group hue lights in HA. Please check your entity ids from the dev-state page.

You can group the lights, using either groups or light_groups in your configuration, but that’s not what you are doing in your light.yaml, you are trying to declare a light/hue platform that doesn’t exist, hence why it doesn’t load.

Thanks, that sounds hopeful. I did look at the examples here: which I tried to translate into the groups.yaml file above. I do know how extremely picky yaml is with syntax.

I got this when syntax checking the file…

Invalid config for [group]: expected a dictionary for dictionary value @ data['group']. Got [OrderedDict([('lamp', None), ('name', 'Lamp'), ('view', True), ('entities', ['', 'light.two'])])]. (See /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/configuration.yaml, line 113). Please check the docs at

It getting late, I have to continue this tomorrow. Thanks for the help so far, if you have an idea of the above misconfig it’d be great.

You still haven’t posted a properly formatted groups.yaml, but I’ll post from mine when I get to my laptop, too hard in android.

Presuming you are not using lovelace and have nothing else in your groups.yaml, put this in it:

  name: Lamp one
    - light.ONE
    - light.TWO

  name: Lamp two
    - light.THREE 
    - light.FOUR 

  view: yes 
  icon: mdi:lightbulb-outline
    - group.lamp_one
    - group.lamp_two

This will create a new tab with two cards in it, and hopefully you can work out how the code relates to what you see on the screen and take it from there :+1:

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I realise I have mine defined as a light group, not a group. You should probably do the same as the light group is designed precisely for, ummm, groups of lights!

In configuration.yaml I have:

  - platform: group
    name: Hallway Lights
      - light.hallwaylight
      - light.hallwaylight2

  - platform: group
     name: Foyer Lights
       - light.foyerlight1
       - light.foyerlight2

Docs here

It might also pay to read as I suspect you got your hue config from somewhere outdated.


This worked out really nice. Now I can start planning my lighting and eventually start automating bits of it.

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Hi, agreed. I chose mf_social’s config above, but appreciate the links you mention. I will definitely read up on the hue, as I had a bit of a struggle to get it going. Guess I must have found some old posts as you suggests. Hope I will find lots of useful stuff in there!

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