This shows me as generating solar during the middle of the night which is obviously impossible.
I’ve got my sensors in the energy dashboard configured as follows:
Electricity Grid:
Grid Consumption: sensor.total_energy_import (Total Energy imported from the grid as an increasing total in kWh)
Return to Grid: sensor.total_energy_export (Total Energy exported to the grid as an increasing total in kWh)
Solar Panels:
Solar Production: sensor.total_pv_generation (Total Energy produced by the solar panels as an increasing total in kWh)
Home Battery Storage:
Battery Systems Charge: sensor.total_battery_energy_charge (Total Energy charging the batteries as an increasing total in kWh)
Battery Systems Consumption: sensor.total_battery_energy_discharge (Total Energy discharging from the batteries as an increasing total in kWh)
I think my issue stems from the fact that all of these sensors are agnostic as to where the energy is being used e.g. during the day my solar production will partly be used to charge the batteries and partly for my home consumption. However, as you can see above, the solar chart has very large dips during the day because that is when the solar is being used to charge my battery.
I have checked the data in the sensors themselves and they are reporting correctly. In my mind the issue arises from the fact that during the day when the battery is being charged (see 12pm and 1pm) it doesn’t reflect correctly the minor amount of background use that my house will have (in the order of 0.2 to 0.5kWh). Thus, somehow at night when I’m using my battery it is “catching up” on these numbers.
It’s a legitimate question, but…
I know so little about solar (except that I want to build a charger for my electric car), but…
I know even less about the energy dashboard. Could you be looking at a timezone problem?
I don’t think so. If it was a timezone issue I would expect all of the values to be offset by a certain time. However, from the immage above at 2PM you can see that when I used devices in the home solar production shoots up to its real number. It would seem that solar production doesn’t include solar which is used to charge the battery (or at least partially doesn’t include that information).
Here is an extract over a typical night when I begin discharging the battery:
Again, the numbers don’t make sense - there is no way I’m producing any amount of electricity at midnight using solar.
If anyone could even point me to the relevant .py file where these calculations are done that would be handy so I could understand how HA is deriving these numbers.
Edit: The total production numbers according to the flow appear to be correct:
My inverter directly reports household consumption during this period as 13.82kw (so within the margin of error). The issue is between 8AM and 5PM the reported house consumption is effectively 0.
Since consumption is derived I would have thought the formula would be:
However, that does not seem to be the case (at least in terms of the graphs). This is why there is the bizarre phenomenon of consumption “catching up” during the night and generating phantom solar production numbers.
I’m facing the same problem.
Did you find a solution ?
It seems that the energy used from the battery is also displayed as solar energy, so if you for instance use 1 Kw from the battery at night (no sun) , the graph shows an value of 2 Kw (1kw from the battery and 1 Kw solarenergy)