Definitive guide to Weather integrations šŸŒ¦

Good point. I havenā€™t given much though to languages yet.
There are too many languages to capture this in a comprehensive overview. The ā€œcoverageā€ column should give a good indication of the target audience. Whether Fries, Liki or Klingon is supported will remain up to the user to find out.

Iā€™m currently trying out some of the most popular HACS integrations which includes several national services. Many donā€™t work for me. My assumption is that they either block foreign IP addresses or donā€™t accept the location home assistant automatically passes to the service.
This is again a point where we depend on the community to provide the data for their fellow countryperson.

@AJediIAm Thanks for this summary, I didnā€™t even know I left out humidity for the AccuWeather forecast. Fix merged, humidity will be available from 2024.7 Add the missing humidity value to the Accuweather daily forecast by bieniu Ā· Pull Request #119013 Ā· home-assistant/core Ā· GitHub


I have accucheck, pirate weather, and openweathermap (3.0) here in the extended weather card from hacs:

-removed pics. Will add data later.

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That might be the case for where you are.
Here it is hopeless with way too few measuring points, which makes its forecasts really inprecise.

For my my city ā€œpirateā€ shows rainy and 22 degrees for today and whole week to come, while itā€™s sunny and 31 degrees outside (and it will be next week, too), so i think it doesnā€™t takes local coordinates at all, but it shows for another placeā€¦

Can you provide the entity information and get_forecasts service call from the development tools instead?
Screenshots donā€™t provide enough information and they take up a lot of space making the topic less readable.

@AJediIAm Thanks for this information!
Iā€™m also not very happy to deposit my CC details in the hands of the OpenWeatherMap service.
I am actually mainly using it for calculating the total rain in the past 5 days. Then I use this information when deciding if I need to turn on the water irrigation.
OpenWeatherMap offer the: sensor.openweathermap_rain, which is pretty accurate in my area.

So far, I checked few other alternatives from the list, but none has a similar sensor value.
So Iā€™m starting to think about another option to grab the weather data that is offered as an XML file by the goverment service for free.
I would need to make a daily call to get the file, then write some code to parse the exact data that I need.
Sounds like a project :slight_smile:

BuienRadar has a rain history entity, but itā€™s a dutch service. I donā€™t expect it to work, but could you check to be sure?

The rain sensor was disabled for me

Thatā€™s a shame, but good to know it works outside of the Netherlands.
Howā€™s the rest of the data? Somewhat accurate or too far off for practical use?
Iā€™d like to change the coverage to global if it works with a note on language and rain.

I really appreciate the assistance to improve the quality of the guide :+1:

Actually, it didnā€™t return any data

Thank you for verifying.

Awesome guide man, thanks.
I am in a mission to find an integration that returns detailed forecast for Europe.

If you want to update your table with the detailed forecast info, this is what I found

  • Accuweather has it as an entity
  • KNMI has it as an entity (but in Dutch)

I couldnā€™t find any that would return it as an attribute (for US there is a cool local one that returns a pretty detailed foarecast as attributes: wral_weather)

Hey @zmezoo
For OpenWeather:
How could you bypass the credit card stuff? I tried and at the end only way to get the subscription was with the CC info.

The thing is they charged Ā£0.00 and that was it.

I canā€™t find my CC info anywhere in my account, profile, etcā€¦
So it looks like they dont keep the info and they will charge me agai if I exceed the 1000 calls and ask for the CC details again to pay that debit.

Am I right?

OpenWeatherMap shenanigans should be discussed elsewhere. There are several topic dedicated to this already.

Iā€™ll have a look at the detailed forecast condition. Itā€™s useful for a morning briefing using text to speech. This also raises the importance of translations.

Guess weā€™re not done yet :wink:

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I am using the Ambientweather integration and have a WS-2902C weather station. Actually measuring it is best for my use case, which is a variety of things including telling people they should close windows (and which ones) when it starts to rain.

In your use case, why not just consider a few strategically placed soil moisture sensors and then average them together? Maybe even one in each sprikler zone? If it rains for 5 minutes one or more of them can still show the soils is dry -

I would encourage people to find a weather station in their area. One within a mile or two of your house is going to be significantly more accurate than one of these cloud solutions.

I donā€™t remember how I found mine exactly. It was many years ago but it was on a janky weather website and they had data and email addresses listed for some of the stations. For some reason I emailed some of them and the guy who operated it responded back with a json feed to access the data directly instead of through the 3rd party service. Iā€™ve emailed on and off with him for the past 10 years or so.

The data is more accurate and not delayed as was my previous data. I still use these cloud services for forecasts but not for localized data.

A lot of people seem to prefer national weather services. The beauty of home assistant is that there is choice and you can have it all.

Local measurements are mainly useful for accurate precipitation history. For all other data, the right weather service should have you covered since they can give you the data from the closest weather station or a weighted average of several nearby weather station.

The good:
In Europa, many cities have several weather stations owned and operated by the local government and/or metrology institute. The data is made available on by the national metrology institute. These institutions also calculate weather data using radar and weather models to give even more accurate weather data of a specific location.
Most weather integrations rely on this data directly or indirectly.

Some the weather services uses their own weather model not tailored to the local landscape and climate, or include poorly placed/maintained weather stations from consumers causing the accuracy to drop.

I have looked at a lot of weather data the last week and most integrations are pretty accurate or are not intended for my country.

I can recommend to add a few integrations and use the history of home assistant to determine the best one for you.

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If you see a disabled sensor in an integration in home assistant , click on the cog icon in the more info page, and you should be able to enable it

I love the ambient weather Network, there are 17 sensors, reporting real-time conditions, within a kilometer of where I live, and although they donā€™t provide weather forecasts, they do provide a fantastic source of historic data.

I personally average the data of all of the local stations, giving extra weight to those within 200 m of of my house.

When youā€™re unable to get national or even better regional weather information from one of the larger providers, the ambient weather Network is a great solution.