Delay a scheduled automation

Hey folks, I’ve got an automation that runs every morning when my alarm goes off on my phone, which turns on a scene and activates several lights around my home, talking about the bathroom light specifically here. At 10:30am every day, I have another automation that turns these same lights off (they could also be turned off if I left the house before then, which I usually don’t on workdays).

I also work form home, and occasionally I won’t have time to get a shower before 10:15am or so. There’s been numerous times when I’ve been in the shower and the bathroom light has turned off, leaving me in the dark.

I’m wondering if there’s an elegant way to delay the 10:30am automation from running until I’m out of the shower/bathroom. I’d likely trigger this with a button to fire either a script or automation, I’m just wondering how I’d delay the automation for maybe 15mins or something, but only if this new button is pressed. Or turn off all the lights except the bathroom light… Idk, looking for ideas?

humidity sensor in the bath. make a condition — when humidity is high, dont turn off the lights or wait 15 min

For my bathroom light, I made sure to include a “check loop” that makes sure the light can be turned off. The light.turn_on and off actions are handled it the same script and have a repeat until action in between the ON and OFF Commands. It repeats until multiple conditions are met (no motion for X minutes, shower isn’t running, door is open for X minutes), inside the repeat action then are these actions again as a condition and after that the turn-off action for the light. One could achieve this with the wait for trigger action, but I wanted more than one “condition” to turn off the light.

This loop also is independently usable for multiple scenarios (like 100% brightness and keep alive 10 minutes regardless of the conditions being met)

That way I make sure that whatever automation, script, or user turned on the lights it turns off automatically if the conditions are met. Obviously you could change the conditions to something like the button you mentioned and maybe use fields for the scripts to dynamically set a “guaranteed” time period in which the light should be on.
Just make sure all automated actions use this “unified” script to turn off the light instead of doing it individually.

But regardless, I’d advise implementing some sort of check before turning off the light.

For reference, this is the code for the loop I use:

alias: Ausschalt Schleife (Warte bis keine Motion und Tür offen) 3m
    - condition: or
        - alias: Tür auf / keine Motion
          condition: and
            - condition: state
              entity_id: binary_sensor.tur_badezimmer_contact
              state: "on"
                hours: 0
                minutes: 2
                seconds: 50
            - condition: state
              entity_id: binary_sensor.hue_motion_sensor_2_motion
              state: "off"
                hours: 0
                minutes: 3
                seconds: 0
            - condition: state
              entity_id: input_boolean.dusche
              state: "off"
        - alias: Tür auf / Deckenlicht manuell ausgeschaltet
          condition: and
            - condition: state
              entity_id: binary_sensor.tur_badezimmer_contact
              state: "on"
                hours: 0
                minutes: 0
                seconds: 5
            - condition: device
              type: is_off
              device_id: 3580cccc03416dece41a08632937cf70
              entity_id: cf3ga5248de586302ca39223de316672
              domain: light
              alias: Deckenlicht bereits aus
    - delay:
        hours: 0
        minutes: 0
        seconds: 1
        milliseconds: 0
    - if:
        - condition: and
            - type: is_not_open
              condition: device
              device_id: 02c8d4a79c9e7b716537954a003211bd
              entity_id: 068dd51175124339283df6d7aa09bf63
              domain: binary_sensor
            - condition: device
              type: is_off
              device_id: 3580cacc03446dece41ar86c2937cf70
              entity_id: cf3fa5h48de586302ca38223d7316672
              domain: light
          alias: Tür geschlossen aber Licht aus
        - service: light.turn_on
          data: {}
            entity_id: light.deckenlicht_badezimmer
          alias: Deckenlicht einschalten
      alias: Licht wieder einschalten falls Tür zu aber Licht aus
    - alias: Tür auf und keine Motion / oder Deckenlicht manuell ausgeschaltet
      condition: or
        - alias: Tür auf / keine Motion und kein Overwrite
          condition: and
            - condition: state
              entity_id: input_boolean.badezimmer_licht_overwrite_30min
              state: "off"
            - alias: Tür auf / keine Motion
              condition: and
                - condition: state
                  entity_id: binary_sensor.tur_badezimmer_contact
                  state: "on"
                    hours: 0
                    minutes: 2
                    seconds: 45
                - condition: state
                  entity_id: binary_sensor.hue_motion_sensor_2_motion
                  state: "off"
                    hours: 0
                    minutes: 2
                    seconds: 50
            - condition: state
              entity_id: input_boolean.dusche
              state: "off"
        - alias: Tür auf / Deckenlicht manuell ausgeschaltet
          condition: and
            - condition: state
              entity_id: binary_sensor.tur_badezimmer_contact
              state: "on"
                hours: 0
                minutes: 0
                seconds: 5
            - condition: device
              type: is_off
              device_id: 35801ccc03446dece41a086c2g37cf70
              entity_id: cf3fa5248dz586302ca38223dy316672
              domain: light
              alias: Deckenlicht bereits aus
    - service: light.turn_off
        transition: 5
        area_id: badezimmer

Damn, that’s pretty neat, thank you so much for sharing that!

@ha_user22323 I think that’s probably a good first step. I was against putting a sensor in the bathroom for a long time, just for privacy. And because there’s only one plug in my bathroom (yay small apartments); but it’s been a few years, and now there’s quite a few battery powered, wireless (non-wifi) options to choose from. So maybe just a simple temp/humidity sensor in a discrete area would help a lot. Then yea, just make it a condition to the shutoff automation.

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