Delay between HA and MQTT

I have a docker setup, with HA and the Toke/Mosquitto MQTT. This has been working great for a long time, but now im in trouble. The issue is that there now is a small delay between when a message arrives at the MQTT broker, and when its delivered into HA. The delay is not consequent but is in average about 1 second. This is a huge problem for me as I have a lot of lightswithes connected, where the timing between the on and off is important.
When connecting a MQTT client to the broker, the messages are instant, so its only when going into HA.¨

port: 1883
client_id: home-assistant
protocol: 3.1.1
username: xxx
password: xxx

The setup is running on a never Synology NAS

Do anyone have a similar issue?

@VDRainer does

Needless to say, I’m giving this release a miss.

Filed an issue on this.

Thank you

I roled back, and its working now

Fixed in 0.64.1 :grinning:


@VDRainer Great job with your debugging this issue on GitHub.

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Have just updated to 0.64.1, testing when getting home from work

Thank you