Delay in response

Hi all,

When I click a zigbee switch, the light switches on after 20 seconds, sometimes 1 seconds, sometimes 15 seconds.

Anybody knows why?


The device could be in sleep mode (what happens if you press it twice?), however the most likely reason is mesh radio propagation.

Do you have mains powered Zigbee devices close to the switch to act as routing devices back to the co-ordinator?
What is the signal strength of the device on the mesh diagram (in the binding)?
Do you have RF interference between Zigbee and other 2.4GHz protocols like WLAN?

Thanks for reply…

Indeed I see some devices with LQI = 0. But these devices are close to others which show link 44…devices are all located in a 45m2 area.

How can I improve link quality?

I haven’t figure out how to solve this either. I have a strong mesh and a battery switch which usually controls devices instantly, but sometimes takes two presses. I assume the switch is just not perfect. :frowning:

It is really weird. These devices work flawless if you just pair the ikea switch with ikea spot 1 to 1, so connect 1 switch to 1 lamp via direct pair.

Also log shows immediate receive if button press event…just switch on of lamp takes time.

Really annoying

Re-pair the device where it is going to be used, not next to the hub.

Zigbee seems a lot worse than Z-Wave for re-calculating neighbours for radio mesh routing.

IKEA Tradfri remotes have a reputation for eating CR3032, and being weird with ZHA (some say Z2MQTT works better). Just try a search…

Thanks, will try if that works!