I have setup hassio in VirtualBox on a mac mini and its all working great. But I have noticed that on the automation the delay timing does not work correctly. As a test I set it to 30 seconds and then timed it.
Sometimes it would be 40 seconds and other times it was 1min 44 seconds.
So Im very confused as to why.
Can any one help. (Im new to this)
What are you triggering? When I tried IFTTT I sometimes was lucky to gwt enmals 2 hours later.
How are you determining when it triggers? From the HASS logs?
Its the delay option in the automation in hassio. It had been fine on a raspberry pi, but not on the VirtualBox setup. Im setting up a timer for a boiler controller I have built using D1 mini.
Is VirtualBox supplying accurate CPU clocking to the Guest VM?
Perhaps the timing is varying as VirtualBox shares loading with other things happening on the host machine.
If it works with the same configuration & version on the Pi, the issue is not likely Hassio.
Maybe an issue with VirtualBox time sync.
I think google is your friend.
Thanks for the pointer. I will google it.
I have been trying to sort out adding guest addition (to help sort the time sync issue Im having) to the hassio vm, but I can not get it to install.
Does anyone have a guide to how its done?