Delay Specific Integration Startup

Hi, tried searching, but couldn’t find an answer.

I’m running HAOS on Proxmox with a Sonoff Dongle. The dongle isn’t available immediately upon start-up so the Zigbee Home Automation Integration doesn’t start. A reboot of the system (integration restart doesn’t solve it) will sort this.

So, wondering if there is a way to delay the start of a specific integration by say 0 seconds.

I can delay the start-up in Proxmox, but keen to see if there is an option of doing his in HA.


I’ve come here to ask the same question.

Currently running HA in Docker.

of all the integrations I run there is an unresolved conflict with two of them

Roborock and Govee.

With the Govee integration enabled the Roborock integration will not initialise.

Currently prior to every reboot I have to disable the Govee integration, reboot HA and wait for the Roborock to fully initiaze then manually enable Govee.

Is there anyway to set a delay or dependency on a per integration basis?


Did you found a solution for this problem? I want also to delay the startup of a specific integration.