Delete an Insteon Device

Hello. Does anyone know how to delete an Insteon device? When you select a device from another Integration, there is a “Delete” in Red option. There is no such thing for Insteon.

Not sure if it made it to the May release but:

My core version is 2024.5.1 so it is the first release for May. I cannot delete any insteon device. Maybe the next release this month?

What I don’t understand is in some integration, there is a grayed out “Delete” when you click on the gearhead of a device so delete is disabled. In another integration, a red “Delete” is available! What’s up with that?

The option to delete Insteon devices did make it into the May release. If you go to the Insteon configuration panel (Settings → Devices & Services → Insteon → Configure) you will have 2 options to delete a device.

  1. Click on the device in the list of Insteon devices. In the upper right corner under the three dots menu is the option to “Delete”
  2. Click on the “Utilities” tab then the “Delete device” option and enter the Insteon address of the device to delete.

The first option is the easier option for devices that were once active in HA but are not removed / dead. The second option is for any device, especially those that were never in HA and don’t show up in the HA device list.

@crc111 I am not sure where this grayed out “Delete” option is that you are referring to. Can you upload a screen shot? Most likely that is a feature that an integration developer needs to activate. I did not know about it but I am happy to activate that feature to make it easier in the future.

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@crc111 I found the “Delete” option you are referring to. It is not on the device; it is on the entity. I am not sure if it makes sense to delete there but I will look at it. The entity is a subset of a device so some people may think they are only deleting one entity but if I delete the device from the entity view I may inadvertently delete all entities associated with a single device.


Thanks but in my HA Core version 2024.5.1, there is no “Delete” under the three dots. If I click on the three dots, there is a “Delete” but it will delete the whole Insteon Integration, which I don’t want to do.

And on your number 2, I don’t see a “Utilities” tab! Where is that?

On the Entity config, the “DELETE” in mine is grayed out so it is impossible for me to delete an Insteon entity! As I have mentioned, in another integration (TP-Link Smart Home for one), when you click on the Integration entry, it opens up a list of devices in that integration and each device has the three dots which contains a “Delete” in red! The Insteon integration is different.

WTH! I just installed core 2024.5.2 and I still cannot delete an Insteon device or entity.

I finally got to delete and re-add an Insteon device. Thank you all for your replies.