Delete Hunterdouglas device

Recently one of my Luxaflex shades was replaced. In the Hunter Douglas Powerview app the original device disappeared. However the original device still shows up as a device in the Hunterdouglas Powerview integration. I can’t find a way to delete this device. Anyone there that can help me with this?

Go to Settings → Devices & Services → Then click on the Hunter Douglas card heading.

You should see a list of your devices.

Each device in the list should have a three dot icon to the right. Click the icon for the shade you wish to remove. Select “Delete” from the menu.

Thank you for your reply, but if I click on the card heading I don’t see the devices but an overview of the (2) Integration entries (with the thee dots you mention and the delete option behind it.). It seems that the two entries correspond with de Generation 2 and Generation 3 environments.
If I don’t click on the card heading but instead on the blue label “xx SERVICES” beneath it, an overview of all the Devices appears, but here there are no three dot icons to the right.