Delete individual device from integration

OK thanks, I’ll make a new post asking why this happens

Just one point, discovered now, in Configuration…Entity Registry, there is a DELETE button in red. Will not this simply delete the entity?


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Yes it will. This topic is well out of date.

For mqtt devices you still have to delete any retained discovery config messages from the broker but deleting the entity there does what my original feature request asked for.


thanks @tom_l , can i check as a solution for future newbies like I am?

You can delete entities. But we still lack a way to delete devices from many integrations. You still need to hack json files to do that. Deleting the entity does not delete the device in many cases


I would agree, I have one unknown node that just will not die (so that’s still z-wave) but Tom’s OP covers a lot more than that.
And if Tom can’t delete stuff, what chance do the rest of us have? :crazy_face:

I have been moving entities from my Wink Hub over to my Zwave stick lately. Got one entity that is still showing up in the states list but not in the entity registry. Not a big deal but it would be nice to remove it.

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copy that, thanks for the info.

Hmm, for zwave devices not even deleting the entity works for me. I get a message that that is not possible for the zwave integration (tells me to deactivate the whole integration ^^)!

I hope this is gonna change with some new versions as they are actively working on the whole devices/entities stuff recently.

That’s needed!

Just trying hard to get finally rid of my mqtt (20 years should be enough… technology from 1999 R.I.P) and it’s just not possible to do it one by one… all or none?.. :pensive:

It deletes the entity but it will still show in integrations!

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ok, so still waiting for THE solution :slight_smile:


I can delete the Entity, but the device will still be in the list. And I can not delete the device. On the screenshot Ihave deleted 4 entitys.

In the setting button I can only edit the name and area.


find you dev id in address browser


This worked for me. I used Configuration->Integrations->OwnTracks and clicked the “dead” devices and copied the device id from the browser URL as shown into the clipboard, then went to the Configurator panel (you have to have the Configurator plugin for it to show), browsed to the core.device_registry file, searched for the device Id I copied, and deleted the entire section that belong to that id. Restarted HASS and they were gone from integrations.


Would be nice to do it from UI.


I have deconz and chromecast devices sitting there, which no longer exist. If i delete the deconz integration then it will loose the customizations I’ve put on names etc.

It should be possible to delete a device - which should delete the associated entities.


I yesterday disabled the entities that don´t exist anymore. You can also delete, but I decided to disable for now.
Configutation -> Entities

Closing this thread as the feature has been implemented.

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