Deleted entities still persist


I have 0.86.2 Home assistant installed on Ubuntu 18.04.
I have couple of entities still showing in the frontend even after deleting them.

The blue “Not found” objects were entities from Configuration/Integration/Home Assistant iOS and Configuration/Integration/UPnP/IGD which have been removed since.
But the entities stayed, and I can’t hide them in Customization neither.

On the left block, the red one is the Samsung TV. I’ve added samsung_tv to the ignore list, removed it from the ignore list, nothing helped.
The right one, with the yellow color is an automation, which I removed from the automations.yaml. Tried to restart HA, check customize.yaml, I have no idea what to do. :confused:

You need to remove the references from the lovelace configuration.

As @anon43302295 said, you need to remove them from lovelace configuration. But, if you use packages to define your lovelace configuration, you might also need to refresh the dashboard once you removed the references. (Upper right corner -> Refresh).

Damn, many thanks guys!
I haven’t met this Configure UI before.

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I had the same issue, but deleting it from configuration.yaml, restarting HA, etc. didn’t work. Then I stumbled upon the know_devices.yaml file, where the entity was for some reason still listed.

Deleting the entry there took care of it :slight_smile: