I’m new to MQTT, not a skilled programmer, and would appreciate some help with the following problem:
I’ve integrated an Arduino board via LAN/MQTT using Mosquitto. Setting up the device and entities works well, but when I change the entities, old entities (for which there is no push anymore) still remain visible in HA, and sometimes mess up with the new configurations. How can I remove old entities?
Is there a config file someplace where I can delete it? Haven’t found it.
Can I run some sort of script at HA startup which cancels all MQTT devices. Not ideal solution though.
The only way that I have resolved this so far has been through restoring old backups, but this is not feasible going forward.
Delete retained HASS MQTT Discovery topic homeassistant/sensor/thing or homeassistant/switch/thing (newer Tasmota kit uses tasmota/discovery/uid/), and HA will change immediately.