Deleting a Shelly device

Was running 116 with 2 Shelly devices: Plug 1, Shelly 1 (both running v1.8.3). Updated to 118 and the Shelly could no longer communicate with the Plug 1. So I thought I would just delete the Plug 1 and try again. But there does not appear to be any way to delete a device. I can delete each of the 3 Entities for that device, but that still leaves me with the device.

How do i delete a Shelly device?

Not something official, but I had the same problem, so i grep for the MAC address of the device in the config folder, and removed all relevant blocks from this files,

$ grep 690458 . -R                                                                                                                                        
./.storage/core.entity_registry:                "unique_id": "2CF4FF690458-relay_0-input",                                                                                                                
./.storage/core.entity_registry:                "unique_id": "2CF4FF690458-relay_1-input",                                                                                                                
./.storage/core.entity_registry:                "unique_id": "2CF4FF690458-device-overtemp",                                                                                                              
./.storage/core.entity_registry:                "unique_id": "2CF4FF690458-cloud",                                                                                                                        
./.storage/core.entity_registry:                "unique_id": "2CF4FF690458-fwupdate",                                                                                                                     
./.storage/core.entity_registry:                "unique_id": "2CF4FF690458-roller_0",                                                                                                                     
./.storage/core.entity_registry:                "unique_id": "2CF4FF690458-roller_0-rollerPower",                                                                                                         
./.storage/core.entity_registry:                "unique_id": "2CF4FF690458-roller_0-rollerEnergy",                                                                                                        
./.storage/core.entity_registry:                "unique_id": "2CF4FF690458-device-deviceTemp",                                                                                                            
./.storage/core.entity_registry:                "unique_id": "2CF4FF690458-rssi",                                                                                                                         
./.storage/core.entity_registry:                "unique_id": "2CF4FF690458-uptime",                                                                                                                       
./.storage/core.config_entries:                "title": "shellyswitch25-690458",                                                                                                                          
./.storage/core.config_entries:                "unique_id": "2CF4FF690458",                                                                                                                               
./.storage/core.device_registry:                        "2CF4FF690458"
  • ./.storage/core.entity_registry
  • ./.storage/core.config_entries
  • ./.storage/core.device_registry
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Thanks. I was hoping that would not be the answer. Seems HA might be lacking a bit on this front.


If I understood the discussion on this bug correctly, it should be possible to delete the device via remove integration. The name seems to be misleading because they claim it would delete the device and let the integration untouched.

Unfortunately, I could not verify it yet myself.

Thanks, that does appear to be the answer, though as mentioned by others, really badly named.