Is there any guidance on deleting unwanted entities and keeping them blocked so they don’t appear again when the device is detected? Or is this just a feature of home assistant and there’s no way around it? Any device that connects to my router is popping up in home assistant. I can go into the configuration.yaml and enter;
hidden: True
But I now have a long line of devices that I have hidden that I didn’t want to use in home assistant in the first place. In some instances the same device suddenly repeats in my entities. I have device_tracker_hassio and device_tracker_hassio_2 for some reason?
Thanks, I understand what you are saying and maybe that will be what I need to do for now. If I do want to discover something in future I will have to turn on discovery and remember to make sure the devices I don’t want to be discovered are not connected at the time.
The discovery feature is extremely useful, but it would be nice to be able to delete things that have been discovered and I don’t want, rather than just hiding them like I am having to do. Or hide them from the UI rather than having to add lines to my yaml file.
Maybe its just me being a bit OCD, but I’d rather have fewer lines in my configuration.yaml and get rid of any entities I don’t need.
You can delete them from known devices. But they’ll keep on showing up.
Have you looked at ignore, in the discovery component? If it’s any of those devices.
I did look at that and it would be useful if there was a way to ignore other devices. The devices I am wanting to ignore are things like my laptop, tablet and sky tv box as I don’t use them in any of my automations. It would be nice if you could see a list of devices in the UI and choose actions such as ignore from there, but I’m sure there are more important things being developed right now.
For now I will continue to hide them and live with it as its not a major problem.
Turning of discovery to avoid entity duplication is a not very helpful answer. Discovery is useful. The lack of the ability to purge old or unwanted entities is a bug.
It’s very useful to use ignore in discovery as that was the only option at the time. If you think something is a bug you should raise an issue on github. I believe my answer was a lot more helpful than yours (more then a year later…).
It isn’t helpful. My issue is with homeassistant as it is in Fall of 2018. It’s very difficult (maybe impossible) to delete unwanted discovered entities. Turning off a major helpful feature to get rid of these is like cutting off your nose to spite your face. Sure, the problem may go away but the system is even LESS friendly.
I still am unable to get rid of old/unwanted/renamed entities. I’ve manually removed entries from various .storage locations, deleted my db file restarted many times. They are truly persistent. There is probably a proper way to get rid of them, but I can’t find it any normal way.