Deleting old automations

So I had an old device die on me, it was my old phone. How can I delete anything associated with that phone? Like automations, and other phone tracking and settings. I looked in my automations online and it was empty, now I have a light that is going on and off at a time I want to edit but cant seem to find where it is configured


There isn’t any - you find all the places this is used after you delete the entity (any ha knew about were listed under automations on the device page. But now that you’ve deleted the device…)

So. There are two custom integrations in HACS - Watchman and Spook. Both provide various info on things that need attention.

Watchman will build a handy list of everything missing in the frontend and where it’s called from (put a card to a thing and deleted thing but card still exists). Spook raises repair items for missing entities.

This doesn’t help your current problem but helps avoiding it in the future:

I have notification groups set up for each people, even if they only have 1 device, so if they change their phone, I only have to update it there. You can also create template sensors for similar reasons.

I was just doing some digging and found some of a somewhat of a solution I was looking for…is there a way to edit a automation though that was made on the device I do not have access to? for an example I made an automation for a light to turn on and off at a specific time…can I change those times it turns off and on?

never mind I found out what was wrong…it was in the app for the plug in itself not HA…silly me…still the question kind of remains if I delete an older device that I do not use anymore will it delete everything associated with that device?

No. Anything you created that references the deleted device will continue to reference it (unsuccessfully).

Before deleting an entity, you can make a note of where it’s used via the “Related” menu command. See the following link for a visual example: