This is a request to add support for Delonghi PAC A95
I have reverse engineered the IR protocol below which I believe is the most intensive work of the project, but writing code is not my forte.
The protocol is 64bit.
63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
FIXED HEADER: (bits 63-56)
TEMPERATURE: (bits 55-51) / reversed 5bit
10000 - lowest temperature (18C / 64F)
11110 - highest C temperature (32C)
11011 - highest F temperature (90F)
FAN: (bits 50-49)
00 - AUTO
10 - HIGH
01 - MID
11 - LOW
CF: (bit 48) / select temperature scale C or F
0 - C
1 - F
ON: (bit 47)
0 - OFF
1 - ON
MODE: (bits 46-44)
000 - AC (cool)
100 - DEH (dehumidify)
010 - FAN
001 - SMART
B: (bit 43) / boost
0 - OFF
1 - ON
S: (bit 42) / sleep
0 - OFF
1 - ON
TO & ON TIMER HOUR & ON TIME MIN: (bits 39-24) / all unused bits are 0
TO: (bit 39) / turn on timer on or off
0 - OFF
1 - ON
ON TIME HOUR: (bits 38-34) / reversed 5bit : hours delta - 0 to 23 hours between current time and timer on time
ON TIME MIN: (bits 31-26) / reversed 6bit : minutes delta - 0 to 59 minutes between current time and timer on time
E.g let's assume the current time is 19:15 and we want to set the timer on time to 19:16
This means the on timer should be activated within the next 1 min, so the delta time is 00:01
This gives the following bits for HOUR & MIN
10000000 10000000
^^^^^ ^^^^^^
hours min
00001 - 1 hour
00010 - 2 hour
000001 - 1 min
000011 - 3 min
OFF TIMER: (bit 23-8) / I assumed it works the same as the on timer, but I have not actually valided it.
If the timers are not used (which I'm not planning to do) all bits are 0.
CHECKSUM: (bit 7-0) / reversed
This is the CheckSum8 Modulo 256 of the 7 reversed bytes.
There are some constraints between the different mode off operation.
MODE DEH (100)
-> FAN AUTO (00)
-> TEMP all bits 00000
MODE FAN (010)
-> can never be FAN AUTO (00) only LOW, MID or HIGH
-> TEMP all bits 00000
-> FAN AUTO (00)
-> TEMP all bits 01100
-> FAN bits remain what they were
-> TEMP bits remain what they were
Information collected via auto_analyse_raw_data.py
Raw: (131) {8984, 4200, 608, 1516, 608, 1516, 612, 472, 556, 528, 560, 1564, 556, 528, 560, 1564, 564, 528, 552, 1572, 556, 1568, 556, 528, 552, 1572, 556, 1568, 560, 1564, 552, 1572, 556, 1576, 552, 1568, 560, 528, 560, 524, 556, 528, 552, 532, 560, 528, 552, 532, 556, 532, 560, 1564, 560, 528, 552, 1568, 560, 1564, 564, 524, 556, 528, 560, 524, 556, 536, 556, 1568, 560, 524, 556, 1568, 560, 1564, 584, 500, 588, 496, 584, 500, 592, 500, 588, 496, 584, 500, 592, 496, 584, 500, 588, 496, 584, 500, 592, 492, 584, 508, 584, 500, 588, 496, 584, 500, 592, 496, 584, 500, 580, 504, 584, 500, 580, 508, 584, 1544, 584, 500, 588, 496, 584, 1540, 588, 500, 580, 1540, 588, 1536, 588, 500, 592};
$ ./auto_analyse_raw_data.py -f ../raw.txt -g -n TestExample
Found 131 timing entries.
Potential Mark Candidates:
[8992, 620]
Potential Space Candidates:
[4188, 1516, 528]
Guessing encoding type:
Looks like it uses space encoding. Yay!
Guessing key value:
kTestExampleHdrMark = 8992
kTestExampleHdrSpace = 4188
kTestExampleBitMark = 609
kTestExampleOneSpace = 1511
kTestExampleZeroSpace = 477
Decoding protocol based on analysis so far:
Bits: 64
Hex: 0xCA808000000000AA (MSB first)
0x5500000000010153 (LSB first)
Dec: 14591803530168762538 (MSB first)
6124895493223940435 (LSB first)
Bin: 0b1100101010000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000010101010 (MSB first)
0b0101010100000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000101010011 (LSB first)
Total Nr. of suspected bits: 64
Output from auto_analyse_raw_data.py -g -n TestExample
// Copyright 2019 David Conran (crankyoldgit)
// Support for TestExample protocol
#include "IRrecv.h"
#include "IRsend.h"
#include "IRutils.h"
// WARNING: This probably isn't directly usable. It's a guide only.
// See https://github.com/crankyoldgit/IRremoteESP8266/wiki/Adding-support-for-a-new-IR-protocol
// for details of how to include this in the library.
const uint16_t kTestExampleHdrMark = 8992;
const uint16_t kTestExampleBitMark = 609;
const uint16_t kTestExampleHdrSpace = 4188;
const uint16_t kTestExampleOneSpace = 1511;
const uint16_t kTestExampleZeroSpace = 477;
const uint16_t kTestExampleFreq = 38000; // Hz. (Guessing the most common frequency.)
const uint16_t kTestExampleBits = 64; // Move to IRremoteESP8266.h
const uint16_t kTestExampleOverhead = 3;
// Function should be safe up to 64 bits.
void IRsend::sendTestExample(const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits, const uint16_t repeat) {
for (uint16_t r = 0; r <= repeat; r++) {
uint64_t send_data = data;
// Header
// Data Section #1
// e.g. data = 0xCA808000000000AA, nbits = 64
sendData(kTestExampleBitMark, kTestExampleOneSpace, kTestExampleBitMark, kTestExampleZeroSpace, send_data, 64, true);
send_data >>= 64;
// Footer
space(kDefaultMessageGap); // A 100% made up guess of the gap between messages.
// Function should be safe up to 64 bits.
bool IRrecv::decodeTestExample(decode_results *results, const uint16_t nbits, const bool strict) {
if (results->rawlen < 2 * nbits + kTestExampleOverhead)
return false; // Too short a message to match.
if (strict && nbits != kTestExampleBits)
return false;
uint16_t offset = kStartOffset;
uint64_t data = 0;
match_result_t data_result;
// Header
if (!matchMark(results->rawbuf[offset++], kTestExampleHdrMark))
return false;
if (!matchSpace(results->rawbuf[offset++], kTestExampleHdrSpace))
return false;
// Data Section #1
// e.g. data_result.data = 0xCA808000000000AA, nbits = 64
data_result = matchData(&(results->rawbuf[offset]), 64,
kTestExampleBitMark, kTestExampleOneSpace,
kTestExampleBitMark, kTestExampleZeroSpace);
offset += data_result.used;
if (data_result.success == false) return false; // Fail
data <<= 64; // Make room for the new bits of data.
data |= data_result.data;
// Footer
if (!matchMark(results->rawbuf[offset++], kTestExampleBitMark))
return false;
// Success
results->decode_type = decode_type_t::TESTEXAMPLE;
results->bits = nbits;
results->value = data;
results->command = 0;
results->address = 0;
return true;
Below is python code that I added to ./auto_analyse_raw_data.py to validate the checksum.
import array
from textwrap import wrap
# Call as message.display_checksum(binary_value)
def display_checksum(self, binary_str):
payload = binary_str[:-8]
checksum = binary_str[-8:]
rev_checksum = checksum[::-1]
array = wrap(payload, 8)
rev_array = [x[::-1] for x in array]
self.output.write(" Hex: ")
for i in rev_array:
self.output.write("%s" %
(("{0:0%dX}" % (len(i) / 4)).format(int(i, 2))))
self.output.write(" + %s (Swap)\n" %
(("{0:0%dX}" % (len(rev_checksum) / 4)).format(int(rev_checksum, 2))))
inbytes = [int(x, 2) for x in rev_array]
cal_checksum = 0
for byte in inbytes:
cal_checksum += byte
self.output.write(" Calculated checksum: %s \n" %
('{:X}'.format(cal_checksum % 256)))
Finally I have attached a selection of 90 raw samples.