Is there any sort of list how much each component stresses the device? I did once get a big pile of those chinese 8266 D1 boards with that bad 3.3v regulator, most of them run fine with just wifi, webserver, api and hass time components. Few keep crashing(rebooting constantly) even with less so those are done for esphome i guess…
Anything outside like sensor modules requiring 3.3v i have running on separate small buck converter.
Which logs? I just upload the same code and attach the same sensors to those modules and they keep rebooting, sometimes every other hour, sometimes 3 times a day. Anyways less stable than the rest of 8266 ive got.
Update after 3 months: I then decided to simply drop off the web server component. Not a single glitch after that. One board is still non accessible for repeated booting. I was not able to do the OTA update on it so i just threw it into my junk box. 7 of them are running 24/7 without problems. Most still waiting for their purpose.