Denon AVC-S660H

Please help me with automation with my Denon.
When I enter this and run it, I get answer Device is on or off.

condition: device
device_id: 60d879c22b7d0ac8f662541a8f12d5a1
domain: media_player
entity_id: media_player.denon_avc_s660h
type: is_on

What should I write in Action when I want to start my Denonn (turn_on) .
I’ve tried a lot but I can’t.
Thank you.

You need to copy the whole YAML of the automation. This part is not useful to diagnose your problem.

Hi, This is my simple test code.
The first functional part detects if my Denon is on and the second would have more volume. I won’t be using the script, but I want to understand the control of my Denon for future automation.

alias: '1'
description: ''
trigger: []
  - condition: device
    device_id: 60d879c22b7d0ac8f662541a8f12d5a1
    domain: media_player
    entity_id: media_player.denon_avc_s660h
    type: is_on
  - service: denonavr.get_command
      command: /goform/formiPhoneAppDirect.xml?MVUP<>
      device_id: 60d879c22b7d0ac8f662541a8f12d5a1
mode: single

I’m new to HA and have read many hours of documentation and still no functionality.
I think the communication using denonavr is functional, but I can’t control anything on the Denod using automation (the Denon control works from the basic HA desktop).

sorry for my english…

… control of my Denon works for me now…

service: denonavr.get_command
  command: /goform/formiPhoneAppDirect.xml?MVUP
  entity_id: media_player.denon_avc_s660h

For volume you can just use the set volume service. No need to use raw goform commands.

The function node command (from Node-RED) to set modes 1 thru 4 in my Marantz AVR is thus:

var selectors = {
    "button.marantz_av7702mkii_quick_select_3": 3,
    "button.marantz_av7702mkii_quick_select_1": 1,
    "button.marantz_av7702mkii_quick_select_2": 2,
    "button.marantz_av7702mkii_quick_select_4": 4
var value = selectors[msg.topic];
if (value === undefined) {
    node.status({fill: "red", text: "No such button " + msg.topic});
    return null;

node.status({ fill: "blue", text: "Selected mode " + value });

msg.headers = {
    "Content-Type": "text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\""

msg.payload = {
    "tx": {
        "cmd": {
            "$": {
                "id": [1],
            "_": "SetQuickSelect"
        "zone": {
            "_": "Main"
        "value": {
            "_": value
return msg;

I plug this into an XML generate node and then that one to an HTTP request node.