Denon/Marantz integration - volume is brightness?

I searched through the forums but didn’t find the same question elsewhere, sorry if this is a duplicate.

I’ve set up my Marantz amp using the denon component, and it works! However, Google assistant sees it as a light and I have to say “set the BRIGHTNESS to 50%” to change the volume.

Is this just because the denon component is emulating a lightbulb? Is there something that I can tweak to change it so that Google Assistant recognizes it as volume, or does this require a change to the component?

so, have you ever found this issue?
i also want to expose my denon as a mediareceiver to control the volume native
i dont want to expose scripts/switch for volume

It turns out you don’t have to say brightness. Lately I’ve just been saying “Set the amp to 40” and google responds “OK, setting the amp brightness to 40%”, but accurately sets the amp volume to 40%. Good enough for me. If you say “Percent” it often doesn’t work"

Ok, thnx for feedback