Denos HEOS support

For me it does not work, getting the following error:
2019-04-25 15:09:45 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Error setting up entry Controller ( for heos
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/app/homeassistant/”, line 309, in async_setup
hass, self)
File “/usr/src/app/homeassistant/components/heos/”, line 78, in async_setup_entry
players = await controller.get_players()
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyheos/”, line 97, in get_players
self._players.values() if player.available])
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyheos/”, line 194, in refresh
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyheos/”, line 203, in refresh_now_playing_media
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyheos/”, line 33, in from_data
self._type = data[‘type’]
KeyError: ‘type’

Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong?

Any one got TTS working with Heos? I’m calling the tts.google_translate with json payload {“entity_id”:“media_player.living_room”, “message”:“test message”} did see any error and no sound

TTS doesn’t work with HEOS.

I’m having problem with Heos 5 (this one is bought 4 years ago so it is NOT HS2 version). When I enter IP of my speaker it is available under Configuration -> Integrations -> HEOS Controller ( but when I enter that integration it says “This integration has no devices.” and that speaker is not available anywhere in HA (0.92.1). Am I doing something wrong or original HEOS 5 is not supported?

@andrewsayre, any hint on how we can login on the device? On the previous component, we could enter our username & password, but these configuration options are not available with the new official component… :disappointed_relieved:

@Cadish if it’s AVR or similar, you can explicitly login through the OSD Settings menu… should be a HEOS Account or similar. Otherwise if it’s a speaker, you can use the HEOS app. I’ll add services to HA in the future to also provide another mechanism.

Note, only the device you’re connecting to has to be logged in, not all of the HEOS devices if you have more than one.

Hmm. Strange. I’m logged in to my HEOS account in the app… But still get the warning that it’s not logged in.

BTW, I can only login in the app itself, which is transversal across all devices. I cannot login on 1 single device. It’s all or nothing

BTW, I have a HEOS AVR, some HEOS Amps and some HEOS 5 HS2’s. None of them have OSD…

Hmm… I’m guessing at least one of the devices is logged in, have you tried connecting to the other IPs? I know it’s clunky, but until we add the service for this, you can do it via telnet if you have to meanwhile…

Connect on port 1255 and enter:

Obviously, replaceheos_username with your email and heos_password. :slight_smile:

This is a one-time thing you have to do. Once logged in your device should stay that way while the credential is valid.

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Thanks @andrewsayre - the telnet solution worked for me and I now see my Heos favorites in source list. Really hope there will be a full integration with Heos in the future! Good work!

Really hope there will be a full integration with Heos in the future!

Say more… what are you looking for? :slight_smile:

Hi :slight_smile: Believe most of it is already mentioned in this thread (the list by Cadish is a good summary) and I looked through the CLI API document over at Denon as well. Play URL and grouping would be great, and also an easy integration of the login/pwd to make it seamless. Perhaps some of this is ready in the files but not documented (tried to look briefly at the code, seems to be implemented quite a bit). Would be great with an easier selection of music services (TuneIn, Spotify etc) but I realize that this may be a problem of the CLI (at least Spotify). Perhaps the Browse-functions in CLI could be used?

I am completely new to HA, and python is a fairly new friend as well, but I’ve done a lot of programming in other languages and systems, so if I may assist in any way, please let me know. Also for testing.


Works for me too now :partying_face:

Thanks @andrewsayre!

So I’ve been using the Universal Media player built into HA to control power and split my zones from my Denon receivers for Heos control. I’m having an issue controlling the volume with the slider. I know this is off topic, but if we figure it out it may be a nice solution for other people with Denon Amps and the Heos integration. Can you guys see if you can see what is wrong with my code In this post?

This worked for me too, but I had to look it up in this thread …minor improvement I guess :wink:

Is there any way to make a Heos system an Airplay2 target with his component?

:frowning: any work in progress or plan to make TTS to work for HEOS? Currently, the work around works. I’m able to call TTS service which will generate the mp3 file in cache folder. Then, have an automation to call a service to play the generated mp3 url as below. But it get messy when i have multiple HEOS speakers. I hope this feature got worked on soon :slight_smile: … actually, the latest update of HA did give out an error: Unable to play media: Unsupported media type ‘music’

“entity_id”: “media_player.living_room”,
“media_content_type”: “url”,
“media_content_id”: “https://HA_HOST:8123/api/tts_proxy/XXXXXXX_en_-_google_translate.mp3”

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Really enjoying controlling HEOS from Home Assistant, but missing the feature to create and modify groups. Anybody has any news on this?

@andrewsayre; see you are the author of the pyheos library as well as the HA component. Any chance you would share some thoughts on if/when this would become available? Anything some of us could do to contribute?? If I read it right it is already in place inside the pyheos, right?

Don’t get me wrong - know all of this is non-profit, so just asking because I’d love the feature!


Hi Folks - I’m going to close this feature request as the core integration has been released. Please open new requests for additional functionality!

@moralsnipe - If that’s something you can do from the HEOS app, please open a new feature request and I can look into it.

@fermat1357 I’m not aware of anyone looking at this – please open a new feature request and detail out the use case(s).

@tormagj It’s still a WIP - there’s some complexities with groups and I’m not quite happy with how pyheos handles groups… I’m hoping to have time to get it into the 0.94 or 0.95 release. Meanwhile, open a new feature request. :slight_smile: