Departure_time not a valid option for Google_travel_time?

Having disabled the google_travel package Text to Speech Notification to Leave for Appointment for some time now, I revisited it again today.

Unfortunately it errors out with this:

Invalid config for [input_text]: value should be a string for dictionary value 
   @ data['input_text']['travel_destination']['pattern']. 
   Got ['City', 'Country']. (See ?, line ?). 
   Please check the docs at

Invalid config for [sensor.google_travel_time]: [departure_time] is an invalid option 
       for [sensor.google_travel_time]. 
       Check: sensor.google_travel_time->departure_time. (See ?, line ?). 
       Please check the docs at

departure_time is mentioned in this sensor

  - platform: google_travel_time
    api_key: !secret google_travel
#    mode: sensor.select_travel_mode
    departure_time: now
    name: Travel destination
    origin: sensor.select_travel_origin
    destination: sensor.select_travel_destination

which seems exactly according to the docs? More-over, it used to work just fine… has there been an undocumented breaking change for this?

edit forget this, it should be under options: now…

the other error is still a question for me:

the input_text is as follows:

    icon: mdi:logout
    name: Travel origin
    pattern: "[City, Country]"
    initial: "City, Country"

what would be incorrect about that now?


Replying to myself: just for reference: seems the above is alright after all, and (I misread the error message…) the other input I made for the destination was faulty using this:

#    pattern:
#      - City
#      - Country