(deprecated) Extensive roller shutter control including shading (brightness, sun position, temperature, forecast)

I’m slowly starting to like the idea of leaving the automatic mode on all the time, even when we’re at home. The idea would be to set the brightness for early shutdown so that it doesn’t run while the light is on in the living room, for example.
My problem is that I only have a few lux at the brightness sensor in the living room, for example (<10).
When I look at the red marker, I think you can only set whole tens, right?

Yes, same here. HmIP-SRH 3-state sensors configured as two binary sensors. One for tilted (true/false) one for open (true/false).
Coming from IP Symcon. There is a module called BlindControl. Here you can have two sensors for terrace doors/windows with its own shutter value each. When tilting a terrace door (Kippstellung), shutter only opens a bit for little ventilation. When handle is in open position, shutter opens completely to get in and out. :slight_smile:

Me too, want to migrate from IP Symcon

Moving up and down works finde. Because of winter, I‘m currently not able to check the shading.
Thank you very much for the integration.

I had to set a higher value for the position tolerance. Because setting a tilt position means moving the cover a few percent up or down. 3% were enough for me and all works fine.

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@c.radi + @crandler : ok, I got your point. I have the same sensor, just using it different than you, but that’s fine.
But I will not add additional functionality for doors. That would create more complexity, it would be necessary to add more lockout protection and so on. It’s not just adding one more sensor and value, sorry.
Feel free to create a fork or just an additional blueprint/automation for this special use case.

The slide is change whole tens, yes. But you can use the input field next to slider and enter whatever you want :slight_smile:

Damn, thougth I cannot safe because the field get’s underlined red as soon as I type in something not divisible bei 10. :wink:

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Hello dude,

So the script works flawlessly, except for the ventilate position.
If with me the Rollo eg. is open in the bathroom and I open the window, then it goes to the defined ventilation position (70% and Position Tolerance I set 1%).
Actually, the roller shutter was only supposed to go up if it was closed before or not?


Yes, you are right.

Would be helpful if you could provide a screenshot of the corresponding trace after you open the window. Maybe tomorrow?

And can you share your current config?

Sure no Problem, i hope i find the corresponding trace :slight_smile:
i post it tomorrow, here first my current config:

    blind: cover.rollo_badezimmer
    shading_blinds_position: 25
    shading_tilt_position: 50
    shading_azimuth_in: 99
    shading_azimuth_out: 145
    shading_elevation_min: 25
    shading_elevation_max: 90
    shading_outdoor_temperatur_sensor: sensor.modul_garten_temperature
    shading_min_temperatur: 22
    shading_outdoor_temperatur_sensor2: sensor.wettersensor_temperature
    shading_min_temperatur2: 25
    brightness_sensor: sensor.wettersensor_brightness
    shading_sun_brightness_in: 35000
    shading_sun_brightness_out: 25000
    forecast_sensor: weather.forecast_home
    forecast_temp: 22
      - sunny
      - clear
    shading_waitingtime: 300
    shading_waitingtime_out: 900
    temporary_disable_shading: input_boolean.beschattung_badezimmer
    auto_up: false
    auto_down: true
    open_position: 100
    closed_position: 0
    position_tolerance: 1
    window_sensor: binary_sensor.badfenster_window
    auto_ventilate: true
    ventilate_position: 70
    door: "false"
    brightness_sensor2: sensor.wettersensor_brightness
    brightness_up: 70
    brightness_down: 10
    workday_sensor: binary_sensor.arbeitstag
    time_up_early: "07:30:00"
    time_up_early_non_workday: "10:00:00"
    time_up_late: "11:00:00"
    time_down_early: "23:15:00"
    time_down_late: "00:00:00"

Thanks, so I will have a look tomorrow.
After a first, quick view I suggest to change time_down_late from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59.

Awesome work! Thank you to everyone involved in the development!

I would like to add a feature to the blueprint: Privacy Mode

Looks like this (Position 0% and 40% Tilt)

I would apply the Privacy Mode, when the illuminance sensor hits a certain value (like 30 lux).
So before fully open in the morning, the blinds would going to Privacy at 30 lux und would fully open at 60 lux.
In the evening, the blinds could go to Privacy the same way: first go to Position 0% and 40% Tilt and after that hitting some other trigger, already implentented by you, the blind/cover would fully close.

QUESTION: Would others need this feature, too? In this case, I could adapt the existing code and publish it. What would be the best way to hand over the code to you? I am new to Github, but IMO I could fork your blueprint there and make the adaption there.

Privacy mode … one of the most features which is mostly wanted.
And what people want with privacy mode:

  • only for x minutes
  • for x minutes and after this as long as brightness is below x
  • only for x minutes if brightness is below x
  • only as long as brightness is below x
  • only on non-workdays
  • different settings for opening and closing
  • privacy only if someone is at home/in the room
  • privacy mode if brightness goes below x and it’s between time_up_late and time_down_early
  • an overwrite to start privacy immediately
  • an overwrite to disable privacy (immediately)

So this would add a lot of additional triggers which makes debugging fun.

Oh, and we have to take look how to deal with ventilation and privacy :slight_smile:
So what if privacy_position is lower than ventilation_position and someone opens the window for ventilation? Same behaviour for morning and evening?
And what to do in the summer if opening is directly mowing to shading?
(I guess some more questions like this)

That’s why I decided not to implement something like a privacy mode :laughing:

But if YOU want to deal with this topics (and the necessary support), you are welcome :slight_smile:

(don’t get me wrong. I really appreciate your offer! just want to warn you which door to support hell you are opening)

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Ok… this wide range of use cases sounds challenging. I will first adapt my solution and will play around with the other settings like ventilation etc. :slight_smile:

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Stupid question, I imagine I have read that New Shading only becomes active when roller blinds are in the defined positions. So 0% or 100% or the defined values for shading. But I can’t find anything more about this, maybe I’m just reading over it.
Yesterday my wife manually lowered the roller blind in the bedroom part way down at midday and after a while it was opened by the automation because it was light enough outside but of course far too cold.
I don’t know whether my wife accidentally hit the value for shading and that’s why the automation opened the blind again or whether this always happens.


                  - or:
                      - "{{ state_attr(blind, 'current_position') | int(default=101) == ventilate_position }}"
                      - "{{ (state_attr(blind, 'current_position') | int(default=110) <= closed_position + position_tolerance) and (state_attr(blind, 'current_position') | int(default=110) >= closed_position - position_tolerance)}}"

Shading out:

          - "{{ state_attr(blind, 'current_position') | int(default=101) == shading_blinds_position }}"

Shading in:

                      - "{{ state_attr(blind, 'current_position') | int(default=101) > shading_blinds_position }}"


          - or:
              - "{{ (state_attr(blind, 'current_position') | int(default=110) <= open_position + position_tolerance) and (state_attr(blind, 'current_position') | int(default=110) >= open_position - position_tolerance)}}"
              - "{{ state_attr(blind, 'current_position') | int(default=101) == ventilate_position }}"

Ventilation - window open:

          - "{{ (state_attr(blind, 'current_position') | int(default=110) <= closed_position + position_tolerance) and (state_attr(blind, 'current_position') | int(default=110) >= closed_position - position_tolerance)}}"

Does this mean that the blinds are only moved when they are in one of the default positions? :sweat_smile:

Defined positions, yes.
For opening and closing it’s +/- position_tolerance



Great job for your blueprint.

Is it possible to close according to sunset?

It’s not, sorry.
You need a brightness sensor for this. (Or use a little workaround and simulate a brightness sensor with an automation with uses sun.sun)