(deprecated) Extensive roller shutter control including shading (brightness, sun position, temperature, forecast)

The blinds opened at 5:45 a.m. today, so that’s fine since I haven’t activated resident mode yet.
I have already discussed with the developer of shuttercontrol for ioBroker that I don’t want to have automatic control when someone is present :wink:
I understand that this is not the aim of your Blueprint and it doesn’t matter as long as I can use Christmas and Resident Mode to control that the morning opening and evening closing are not carried out, but the sun protection still works. :slight_smile:

Sorry to say but shading will not work if resident is true (in your case someone is home). The idea of resident is to prevent moving a blind as long as someone in the room is sleeping.

The intention of my blueprint is an automatic control which is always the same. Independent if someone is at home or not.
I will NOT change this, sorry. But feel free to fork and adjust to your needs :slight_smile:

It’s not so bad, I don’t mind the automatic opening in the morning. I just don’t like it when I’m sitting on the couch or in the office and the blinds close automatically in the evening.
So it’s important that the blinds only close automatically when I’m away and that the shading works regardless of whether someone is at home or not.
Or does the shading only work when both functions are not in use?

Totally appreciate, that there is finally a very convinient solution for shutter control. Well done @Eimeel

For me currently, the sunset / sunrise time is not perfect and i am searching for an offset option to say, that sunrise plus 30 minutes in general is used. Is there anything hidden ?

Many thanks … And well done!!

Resident is checked for shading_in but that’s all. So hopefully it will work for you :slight_smile:

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You mean an offsite for time_up_* and time_down_* ?
They are inputs which you can change. The values are not calculated or taken from e.g. sun.sun
The main idea is to have a time slot for both (up and down) and use a brightness sensor to check for the “best” point of time for opening or closing the blinds.

Hey @Bostil I had exactly the same problem as you. I was also missing the sun.sun function in this blueprint. I then browsed through the post a bit and came across @Herr.Vorragend 's blueprint. I set this up and it works great.

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I had announced that I would report with my fork. But I’m not entirely sure if I should do that.

Eimeel and I have been communicating for many weeks. If I promote my fork now, support for both variants will be too difficult. This should never happen in the same thread. I can’t do that to Eimel.

He has also added a lot of features that I really wanted for myself. So I almost only rebuilt the GUI, renamed all the variables and otherwise only added small things.

We are looking for a solution for all users.

But If you like, you can see my code here.

My old blueprint is deprecated and has been working perfectly for me for months. But I took a completely different approach there. I had to learn a lot and would like to move away from the pure template blueprint in the long term.


Suggestion for special windows.
In Europe and especially in Germany, so-called “tilt-turn” windows are used. They have a “tilt” ventilation position and an open “turn” position like a door.
The difference would then have to be determined with 2 sensors.
Furthermore, a multi function would certainly be useful for more than one roller shutter.


This sounds very promising! You did both a great job and its great to see this solution after such a long time, where no such intuitive solution was available. Well done!

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Ventilation Mode ist already included. If you have two sensors for tilt/open/closed just create a binary_sensor.

And what do you mean with multi function? You can already use a cover.group

You two did a really good job with the blueprint. For me, the blind automation is one of the most important functions, but I missed the sun position function for daily opening and closing in @Eimeel Blueprint. Otherwise it’s really perfect. Thank you for that.

Opening it in the morning has worked well for me over the last few days. However, today, on Saturday, it also opened at “Time for drive up - late”, even though it is Saturday and also a public holiday.
My “binary_sensor.workday_sensor” is set to off.

What am I doing wrong?
As I understand it, the roller blind should open today at “Time for drive up - early on non-workdays”.
Or does “Time for drive up - late” apply to both working and non-workdays?

Yes, late is latest.
The idea is to have different earliest openings as someone maybe wants to open the blinds later during weekend.
But late is always the same.
One main intention of this blueprint is to use brightness during an opening time slot (early - late). As soon as there is enough brightness in this slot, the blinds will go up. If brightness will not raise enough during this slot, the blind will go up latest at late. (Well, if the is a resident defined, the blind will not move if the resident is sleeping).

Would be nice to have two configurable sensors with each having own ventilation value, one for tilted and one for open. So one can use smaller values for tilted and 100% for open (door). Consider as feature request. :joy:

Nice work! :pray:

Thank you for the explanation. For me personally, it doesn’t make much sense to open my blinds according to brightness, but rather according to fixed times. Let me think about how I can best implement this.

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This is a very extensive Blueprint. Thanks for sharing this.

I have one sensor on my Windows/Terrasse Door, which reports open/closed/tilted.
With actual implementation i can´t set different values for tilted an open.

It would be very nice, if there are two configurable sensors an values for open and tilted.

Thanks and a happy new Year

What exactly do you want to achieve?

I don’t geht your problem.
But feel free to create a change request :slight_smile:

Hi Eimeel,

i have on all my Windows a Sensor from Homematic.

This sensor is mounted at the handle and detect the three states: open, tilted, closed.
So far so good. The three states are also possible to get with two normal Window-Sensors.

For me it would be more useful if this section get a second window/door Sensor, and a second Position value.
First Window/door Sensor for tilted, second window/door Sensor for open.
In this case the door/window Radio Button isn´t neccesary, because you give a value for this case.

Afterwards it is possible to tilt the window, an the shutter opens to in my case 75%, and to open the Window and the shutter opens.

My homematic Sensor is a sensor.xxx and not a binary_sensor.xxx. My solution for this is actually a Template Sensor for tilted an a Template Sensor for opened.

I think @crandler has the same requirement.