[On Hold] Deprecating Home Assistant Supervised on generic Linux

I set this up on ESXi by using the VMDK file earlier today.
When setting it up it suggested 6GB for the disk, but there was no issues setting that to 60GB

You were expected to allocate more space before starting the image. But even better, it now expands to any space allocated after the fact. This was added in 3.8 or so.

dammit ludeeus


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I was about to switch from docker to supervised but had some problems with the target machine. Still on docker, and staying there.

This is really a bad decision, supervised installation is great to avoid install an hypervisor that consume resources and install another os for other things, while having one os and docker is great for things like automations.
Reading constantly the forum, I saw more issues install hassos and running it than install docker and run an sh…


Does anyone know what happens to docker containers added with add-ons if the base (HA and Supervisor) containers are removed and the supervisor service is disabled?

I presume nothing except no updates will be available. Just want to check before I pull the trigger to remove them…again…

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Updates should be available (í think) via docker pull.

Clarified below.

That has been fixed in December 2019.

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Please file a detailed bug report so it can be looked at. Thanks :+1:


The only item that’s keeping me on the supervised install at the moment is the fact that I’m running Zigbee2MQTT in its own container on the same machine as HA - is there a config guide for dummies (like me) available for the add-on yet?
What’s currently in the add-on documentation and the github page is incomprehensible for me.

@frenck as the author of many addons, are you in a position to answer this please [On Hold] Deprecating Home Assistant Supervised on generic Linux

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Add-ons depend on the supervisor, so if you solely remove/disable the HA/Supervisor containers, the add-ons will stop functioning.

Putting health issues as a reason for this poor communication is just pathetic. If you would really care about the health of an employee that much, you should have seen something months or weeks ago.

That would be the right moment to communicate it to the community and users. If it is that urgent, that a matter like this has to be pushed through in days, you should ask yourself, if your business is heading in the right direction.

And don’t misunderstand me, the health of an employee / friend / colleague is one of the most important thing in the world, right now everyone should know that. But using it as an excuse for bad communication is so… :frowning:


You were never running straight Docker…this misunderstanding is part of the problem with supervised installs. Addons are Docker containers that follow a template system. Without HA and Supervisor they are useless.

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Well, crap!

Now I’m back to trying to figure out how to run NUT in docker again…

At least I’m only using one add-on so far. It’s going to really suck for all the multitudes of users who actually rely on them for their systems to function properly.


Anyone? Or is the claim that there is an image for proxmox incorrect?


Well I for one am grateful that there is an opensource home automation platform , decisions like this are tough for everyone involved and will always involve some upset . I personally use the Home assistant version (HassOs ) and am glad this option is available for noobs such as myself
And I’m extremely grateful that I have a project like this to keep me busy during these terrible times . Thanks for all your hard work team :+1: keep it up .


vmdk, qcow2, take your pick

There’s been a script to “make it easy” for proxmox for a long time, but it isn’t needed. https://github.com/whiskerz007/proxmox_hassos_install


I was always running straight docker for the last couple of years. Until I literally a week ago also installed another version of HA - HA Supervised. Now I have two (actually three) instances of HA running - two running HA core and one running Supervised - all in docker and happily co-existing.

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